Man Suddenly Just Lied Down on Zebra Crossing in AMK Like It’s a TikTok Challenge

Last Updated on 2023-03-29 , 10:43 am

Taking an afternoon nap is always shiok.

Sleeping is especially shiok if the weather is cooling.

However, it appears that this man decided to take it to the next level by lying on a zebra crossing.

Here’s what happened.

What Happened

Viewers witnessed a baffling sight in a video uploaded onto Facebook page SG Road Vigilante on 24 March.

The video starts with a driver approaching a zebra crossing near Ang Mo Kio Avenue 3.

The driver then spots a man wearing a red shirt and a pair of jeans lying on the zebra crossing.

The vehicle stops as the man is motionless, oblivious to the buses and cars passing by behind him.

Suddenly, the man gets up and walks off as if nothing happened.

The video’s final moments show the man casually walking towards the nearby traffic light.

It’s common to pass by litter or animals on the road, but certainly not a man.

According to the video’s caption, the incident occurred at 10.33 am.

Speculations Behind Motivations

The video has since gone viral on Facebook, garnering 66.1k views thus far.

It’s not every day you see someone napping in the middle of the road, after all.

The man’s absurd actions have sparked much discussion in the comments.

Most joked about the ridiculous nature of the situation.

Some joked that the man could be participating in a new TikTok challenge.

Image: Facebook (@SG Road Vigilante)

Others joked that the man was simply taking a power nap.

Image: Facebook (@SG Road Vigilante)

One netizen wondered if the man in the video is the same man who went viral for marching along Yishun avenue two in the rain.

Image: Facebook (@SG Road Vigilante)

However, some netizens felt that the original poster of the video should have reported the man to the police.

Image: Facebook (@SG Road Vigilante)
Image: Facebook (@SG Road Vigilante)

It’s a valid concern since lying on the road is hazardous.

Some netizens pointed out that the incident would have resulted in ugly consequences if the driver did not spot him in time.

Image: Facebook (@SG Road Vigilante)

Similar Incidents

This may come as a shock, but this isn’t the first time someone has gone viral for being a road obstruction.

The fact that similar incidents have occurred before is ridiculous. 

These cases may be even more absurd than the man who lied down in Ang Mo Kio. 

In 2021, a video was shared on the Facebook group depicting a naked man lying in the middle of a busy road.

The police arrested the man for being nude in a public place and for suspected drug-related offences.

Notably, another similar incident occurred in 2020.

In December 2020, a video of a woman sitting in the middle of a traffic junction was uploaded to Facebook group

The woman was seen sitting on a three-lane road, looking pretty confused.

The police later arrested her under the mental health (Care and Treatment) Act.

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Another Baffling Incident

Early this year in February, a man was seen marching along Yishun Ave 2 in the rain.

TikTok user Russelat57 shared a video clip of the bizarre incident onto the video platform.

He wrote, “People crazy on Sunday”.

The video showed vehicles manoeuvring their vehicles around the man.

Another video showed the same man marching along the road outside Northpoint City on the same day.


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