Man Who Threw Dog & Killed It Jailed for 3 Months As CCTV Captured His Act

Unless you have a particularly soft spot for cats, you’ll probably agree when I say that a dog is a man’s best friend.

Image: Dog Training Nation

Apart from being unconditionally loyal pets, dogs have also been dispatched to help the needy, as well as sniff out highly-dangerous chemical substances so that we wouldn’t step on a patch of grass and be blown into smithereens.

What more could you ask for, really?

Image: Not In The Dog House

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is also why this particular case isn’t just sick.

It’s downright despicable.

On 8 Feb, Gerald Kok Zhin Oi, 23, was sentenced to 12 weeks’ jail for hitting and killing a toy poodle that belonged to his girlfriend’s brother. The poodle had allegedly been abused on seven separate occasions, before meeting its untimely end on Christmas Day in 2016.

Treasure, the poodle which was cruelly killed. Image: AVA

As what my colleague Yiin Jiunn would probably say: “Give me a shotgun and I will give this human scum a couple more holes to defecate from”.

What happened?

The abuse occurred at the Lorong 2 Toa Payoh flat of Kok’s girlfriend, with the first incident taking place in July 2016. After the dog apparently bit Kok without reason, he reportedly took it to the sofa in the living room, where he hit it with a cushion for roughly 10 times over 15 minutes.

Incidentally, that’s just the beginning of what would be multiple occasions.

On the day Kok killed Treasure (the poodle’s name), he had allegedly used a plastic clothes hanger to hit the poodle, before throwing it “violently” twice towards the corner of the bed in the room of his girlfriend’s brother.

Later that afternoon, he used a sofa cushion to hit the dog twice, before flinging it towards a bed. Treasure hit a wall, and reportedly died on the spot.

This transpired whilst Kok’s girlfriend and her parents were out for dinner. Kok’s girlfriend, however, would return home at the behest of her mother, who had apparently been told by her son (who was in Japan at the time) not to leave Kok alone with the dog.


Kok’s girlfriend returned home to find Kok possessing blood-soiled tissue paper, and the dog lying motionless on the floor. She took the dog to the vet, where an x-ray revealed that it had passed from head injuries.

Kok lied that he had slipped and fallen while carrying the dog to her room, and it had died after falling onto the floor. But it seems that Justice has prevailed, as Kok’s actions were captured by a closed-circuit television (CCTV). His girlfriend’s brother had installed the surveillance camera a few days before the incident, having suspected Kok of abusing the poodle.

Upon his return to Singapore, the dog’s owner discovered that the CCTV’s USB cable had been disconnected and steadily grew suspicious. He subsequently withdrew the memory card and viewed the footage, which showed Kok abusing the dog.

Live in fear and suffering

During the court session, the Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority’s prosecutor Yap Teck Chuan had urged the court to impose a jail term of 3.5 months, saying that Kok had constantly abused the dog, causing it to “live in fear and suffering”.

In response, Kok’s lawyer, Josephus Tan, argued that the claim was not backed by evidence, and that Mr Yap was not a “dog whisperer”.

Tan then called for a jail term of no more than 10 weeks, stating that Kok was a first-time offender with a “remote chance” of repeating the offence, and is also no longer attached to the woman.

Kok was convicted of four counts of animal cruelty under the Animals and Birds Act, and sentenced to 12 weeks’ jail.

There will be consequences

When District Judge May Mesenas passed the sentence, she said she hoped that the episode would “drive home the lesson that there are consequences if you give in to anger”.

But I don’t agree. The first time Kok applied his self-entitled abusing rights, it might have been out of anger. But the subsequent few times were not out of anger.

It was hatred.

Which makes it even more despicable in my books.

The dog had years to live, a loving family and a devoted owner.

You, however, threw all of that away because of one single, illogical instant.

Always quarrel with your bae? Then you need to watch this video and learn this trick on how to resolve arguments without any compromise or apology (and also subscribe to Goody Feed YouTube channel):

This article was first published on

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