Man Trapped in His Own HDB Toilet for 2 Hours After a Shower

While having a newly-renovated toilet might be cause for celebration for most of us, it definitely wasn’t for this particular family who recently had their toilet renovated under the Home Improvement Programme (HIP) conducted by the Housing and Development Board (HDB).

The programme, which is catered to owners of older flats, helps upgrade various parts of the flats such as the toilets through renovation works.

However, it seems like some of these works weren’t for the better.

Man Got Locked in Toilet for 2 Hours After HIP Renovation

Just on Saturday (3 September), a man living with his family at 270 Bangkit Road had the unfortunate experience of being stuck in his newly-renovated toilet for two hours.

The 63-year-old man surnamed Huang (Hanyu pinyin) recently spoke to reporters from Shin Min Daily News about his ordeal of being trapped in his fourth-storey flat’s toilet for two hours in the wee hours of 3 September.

According to him, the HIP works for other parts of his unit concluded on 26 August, and his family decided to move back into the unit six days after that.

The renovation works for his toilet began on 26 August) and just concluded last Friday (2 September).

He then recalled how his 91-year-old mother showered in the toilet in the kitchen before him, and that he entered the toilet at around 1am that day to clean himself up and shower after that.

However, he only realised after showering that he was unable to push his new toilet door, which is a slide and swing door, open.

He explained that the door was faulty due to a piece within the door, which is made out of iron, being located at the top of the door.

Spent 1 Hour Calling for Help, Another Hour Figuring Out How to Get Out

After realising that he was stuck in a toilet with a faulty door, Mr Huang banged on the door and called out to his wife for help.

However, she only heard his calls for help after an hour as she was watching television in their room.

After hearing her husband’s calls for help, she went over to try and help her husband get out of the toilet. The couple tried to find a way to unlock the door before Mr Huang finally managed to pry the door open with a screwdriver.

Both he and his wife had to push and tug on the door before it was willing to budge open as well.

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Concerns about Being Stuck Again in the Future

As a result of trying to break free from the locked toilet, Mr Huang ended up with bruises all over his fingers.

He added that locks like these with iron pieces at the top are extremely difficult to pry open, and that he is concerned that history will repeat itself in the future if the iron piece gets rusty and stuck in the door.

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Featured Image: Shin Min Daily News