Man Who Sniffed Panties And Posted Them On Instagram Sent To IMH

In Singapore, we do have perverts popping out to do their “thing” every now and then.

For example, back in early 2018, a man was caught stealing bras and underwear at Bukit Batok.

Image: Stomp

Then, in August this year, we had a man posting a selfie of himself on Instagram.

Nothing wrong with that, except…. *drum rolls* It was a selfie of him sniffing lingerie.

Image: Instagram

Panties also can use as pocket square nowadays. Fancy or what?

Image: Instagram

From Tampines To Choa Chu Kang

Lim Wei Ming, 34, the man in question, even travelled to Choa Chu Kang for a pair of black shorts.

image: Instagram

And as you can see, he did what he thought he needed to do on those shorts.

Image: Giphy

Multiple police reports were made soon after the Instagram photos went viral.

The issue had also caught the attention of Tampines Group Representation Constituency Member of Parliament Baey Yam Keng, who had assured citizens that something would be done.

Image: Twitter

The man was later caught and charged in court with public nuisance.

He has since been sent to the Institute of Mental Health (IMH).

‘Mother Suffers A lot’ Because Of His Mistake

On 4 September 2019, Mr Lim was brought to court for his charges.

He had then told the district court this: “I realise my mistake. Because of my mistake, my mother suffers a lot.”.

The judge had ordered him to be placed in IMH for another 3 weeks for psychiatric observation, and he will be returning to court on 25 September.

If convicted, he will be fined up to $1,000.

Hopefully, this incident will deter others from committing such disturbing acts. Special thanks to the Singapore Police Force for keeping our neighbourhoods safe from panty sniffers, though I’m sure the men and women in blue hadn’t signed up for this.