Woman Received Stacks of McD’s Fries Packaging Instead of Food from her Delivery Order

While most of us would usually savour the first few moments after opening the packaging of our food delivery before digging in, some odd incidents at times end up taking away that satisfying moment from us.

And it seems like recently, a TikTok user had that experience taken away from her.

On 9 May, TikTok user @illa_nocte, who goes by Belicia, posted the following video on TikTok.

@illa_nocte i really can’t make this up 😃 can McDonald’s pls explain – is this a collab? 🍟 @mcdonalds #mcdonaldssingapore #mcdonaldsingapore #sgtiktok #idontmakefries #cantrycrystalfries ♬ original sound – 🕷illa nocte🔮

In the video, she shared that she ordered a sausage wrap and breakfast deluxe meal ordered from the McDonald’s at Payar Lebar to treat herself after getting through a stressful period of time, but what she received probably added to her stress even more.

Instead of the piping hot food that she expected after paying $22.60 for the food, she ended up receiving a bag full of McDonald’s iconic fries packaging.

McDonald’s Response

According to comments that she made on her TikTok video as well as Must Share News, McDonald’s made up for its mistake promptly after Belicia reported the issue to the company.

In addition to their patience with the matter, McDonald’s also sent another delivery down to her house with the food that she ordered, and she got her food after a 30 minutes’ wait.

Belicia then posted another TikTok video that detailed the conversation she had with the delivery rider.

@illa_nocte Reply to @sherieaxl ♬ original sound – 🕷illa nocte🔮

Apparently, the rider thought that she was a manufacturer of the fries packaging, and was amused yet confused about how the packaging found its way to her house as well.

Netizens’ Responses

Since posting her video on 9 May, Belicia’s original video has attracted over 87,100 views and 4,920 likes on TikTok.

Some joked that she could start a collaboration between her small business and McDonald’s, while others said that she got a “sponsorship” from the fast-food company.

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There were also others who advised her to pack long yellow crystals in the packaging to sell as part of her small business and cracked other light-hearted jokes about her situation.

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Featured Image: TikTok (@illa_nocte)