McDonald’s Samurai Burger Might Be Making A Comeback

Fast-food behemoth, McDonald’s will always have space in our hearts and stomachs as it always managed to lure us in with its seasonal burgers.

The recent one would have to be the popular Nasi Lemak burger which sold out in less than 2 weeks when it debuted, and then it made a huge comeback a month later.

Now it is also available during breakfast hours!

Image: Channel News Asia

Some dreams do come true.

And Of Course There’s the Prosperity Beef/Chicken Burger


While the Chinese are busy preparing for Chinese New Year, I will be eagerly waiting for the Prosperity Burger to make its return.

That juicy beef/chicken coated in a black pepper sauce with onions—if Chinese New Year had a specific taste, that would be it.

Then the not-so-popular Seoul Spicy Burger

Jumping on the Korean bandwagon, their patties were coated in a spicy Korean sauce. They even offered Kimchi Shaker Fries!

Then the very popular The Ebi Burger


Their (only) prawn burger has to be one of my favourites.  Their recent variation of it was coated with cereal, adding a nice crunch in every bite, and not forgetting their addictive sweet potato fries.

Are you wondering why am I taking a walk down McDonald’s memory lane?

No, it is not because it is a slow news day—I think they might be launching one of their seasonal burgers.

It is not the aforementioned burgers.

Just take a look at their teaser which was released on Oct 8.

Your favourite warrior returns 13 October.

Posted by McDonald's on Sunday, 8 October 2017

Are you thinking what I am thinking?

It depicts two warriors fighting and it mentions about a warrior returning on Oct 13.

The only warrior I care about comes in a sesame bun.


That thick coating of teriyaki sauce on the beef/chicken patty and the addition of mayo—ooo la la, I am already salivating thinking about it.

If my prediction is right, we will be feasting on the Samurai Burger on Friday!

Fingers crossed!

In the meantime…let’s just hope it’s not another troll #Iamlookingatyou,KFC

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