MHA Says There Are People in S’pore Wanting to Fight for Ukraine & Reminds Them It’s an Offence

With the war between Russia and Ukraine becoming more and more intense as the days go on, it’s no surprise that some of us may want to lend a helping hand to the Ukrainian forces.

But, er, if you’re thinking about joining the army there, it’s probably best to let that idea rest, at least for now.

And if you’re asking why, there’s one simple reason.

It’s against the law.

Before you ask me, “Huh? Got anyone who will want to go help meh?”, here’s something that the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) mentioned just today (10 March) in an MHA statement.

“The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) is aware that the Embassy of Ukraine has received calls from persons expressing an interest to join the International Legion for the Territorial Defense of Ukraine.”

So yes, there are really Singaporeans within us who have tried to see if they can help the Ukrainian army by signing up as soldiers.

In the same statement, MHA also reiterated Singapore’s stand regarding the Russian-Ukraine war, saying, “We strongly condemn the invasion. We have called upon Russia to cease hostilities, and respect the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Ukraine.”

To know what Singapore is doing, watch this video to the end:

They also brought up the fact that it is illegal “for any person, whilst in Singapore, to wage, attempt to wage, or abet the waging of war, against the government of any power with which Singapore is not at war”.

Additionally, for Singapore citizens, “even if they commit these acts whilst outside Singapore, they will be legally deemed to have committed them as if in Singapore, and hence liable for an offence”.

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MHA ended their statement by encouraging Singaporeans who wish to help the people of Ukraine to do so “via legal channels”.

If you’ve been wondering how you can help, this next bit might be important for you.

MHA mentioned that one way in which members of the public in Singapore can help Ukraine is through donating money to legitimate organisations.

For example, the Singapore Red Cross is raising funds for humanitarian aid to support affected communities in Ukraine, and Singaporeans can donate to this cause if they would like to.

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