Yishun Park Closed Off After ‘Large’ Wild Boar Knocked Down Woman & Slammed Into Door

While we may see wild boars in various neighbourhoods from time to time, they usually don’t hurt us.

Unfortunately, that’s not the case every time.

If you’ve been keeping up with the news, you’ll know that a wild boar attacked a woman in Yishun yesterday (9 March).

Uh, yes. Yishun again. Coincidence or not, I’ll leave that up to you.

The attack took place at around 6.40 pm yesterday at the open space in front of Block 846 Yishun Ring Road at Khatib Central, which is usually quite crowded.

The victim of the attack was knocked unconscious for 15 minutes before she was conveyed to Khoo Teck Puat hospital by the Singapore Civil Defence Force.

According to eyewitnesses interviewed by Shin Min Daily News, the boar was rather large in size and had long tusks.

After the attack, members of the public quickly went over to offer their assistance and call for an ambulance.

Afterwards, the wild boar then rammed into the glass door of a nearby optical shop before it started becoming more agitated. Thankfully, the door was able to sustain the force of the attack.

It then rushed to the nearby coffee shop at Block 848 and went towards the open-air carpark before escaping. It is unknown as to where the wild boar escaped to.

Search for the Boar

Meanwhile, Nee Soon South Member of Parliament (MP) Carrie Tan took to Facebook today (10 March) to address the incident.

Tan, who is currently recovering from COVID-19, mentioned that she will be visiting the shopowners in the vicinity of the incident location after she recovers and finishes her Parliamentary duties.

She expressed her concern for the victim as well.

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Apart from that, she also took the chance to announce that the “Town Council immediately rallied the Property team, Estate Ambassador team, as well as the conservancy cleaning staff to locate the wild boar”.

“NPark officers are currently searching for the wild boar in Yishun Park. The park has been closed off. We have asked our Town Council Estate Ambassadors and conservancy cleaning staff to be on the lookout at the adjacent blocks,” she explained.

So if you’ve been planning a trip to Yishun Park for whatever reason, take note. Unless you want to be faced with either a closed park or a wild boar (or both), it’s probably safer to stay away from the park for now.

Tan then ended off her post by sharing a few tips that the public can follow if they ever find themselves being faced with a wild boar.

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Featured Image: Facebook (Carrie Tan 陈澮敏)