Miss 懒人麻辣火锅? There’s One Selling in Giant Now & It’s Legit. We Tried It Out

A few weeks back, the Bashulanren Mala Instant Hotpot was all the rage.

Image: Qoo10

A Do-it-Yourself Mala Instant Hotpot with meat? Doesn’t take Albert Einstein to figure out why it’s so popular with the consumer market.

But everything changed, when our friends at Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority (AVA) dropped a stink bomb on us.

That shit’s illegal.

Image: Meme Generator

With that jurisdiction, importation of the product was stopped, and Singaporeans were left to die in a diy-hotpot-less bottomless pit.

But just when all hope was lost, a member of the Goody Feed team chanced upon this golden egg at Hougang Green’s Giant Supermarket.

Behold, an honest to goodness… Mala Self-Heating Hot Pot.

Image: Imgflip

No kidding, bro.

But there’s just one tiny adjustment.

This particular hotpot has no meat servings.

Image: Imgflip

Erm alright, let’s check it out.

Right, just gotta scoop everything out and lay them nicely.

Or not so nicely. OCD people, please pardon the slip-shod arrangement. But that’s not the point.

Here, we can see (from left to right) the mala base, tapioca glass noodles, sesame oil and mixed veggie pack.

And we’ve got the Instructions manual.

Right, here’s the rough gist of it: open the pack, dump everything in, pour in hot water to your desired thickness level, add cold water to the heatpack, and cover the lid.

Make sure the holes on top aren’t covered though; you don’t want the whole thing to cause a mini explosion.

AND DON’T EVER cut the heat pack like these guys.

Then it’s just a simple matter of waiting; once 15 minutes are over, your meal is served.

Image: Sleeping Resources


Now, we are unsure whether other supermarkets have this particular product in possession. What we do know, however, is that Giant stocks it, and it retails for $7.90.

That’s cheaper than a Bashulanren Hotpot, for your information.

So give it a try, folks.

Before it gets banned for having too many veggies or something.

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This article was first published on goodyfeed.com

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