M’sia Bus Made an Illegal U-Turn By Cutting Through Road Divider Because Why Not?

Now I ain’t a driving expert.

Neither do I have a particularly good memory of traffic rules.

What I do know, however, is that making a U-Turn by cutting through a road divider is most likely illegal.

Like what this bus in Malaysia did.

Posted by Rosli Mat Yusoff on Sunday, 10 September 2017

As the video shows, the bus driver tried to engineer a U-turn by cutting through a road divider, but it didn’t seem to end up well. At the end, you can see the bus being stuck on the road divider for a good long while.

It went viral

Rosli Mat Yusoff posted the video on his Facebook post, and it’s since garnered over 2.5 million views and 1k shares.

Netizens found the act strangely funny, with multiple comments making it a point to include laughing emojis.

Image: Rosli Mat Yusoff Facebook Page
Image: Rosli Mat Yusoff


It’s unclear whether the bus made it out, or if the Police got to the driver first.

Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if it was the latter. The bus seemed to be taking a good long while.

What surprises me, however, is that it’s not a privately-owned car committing the act.

It’s a bus. A freaking bus. Granted, it doesn’t seem to have any passengers on it (I think so; the footage was so expertly fully taken I can’t tell), but that doesn’t mean that it’s any better.

To all future bus drivers, this is one video to show you what not to do when going for a U-turn.

To all future drivers, this is one act you should never replicate.

To all future passengers, watch out for the driver because you might just be on a bus like this. #scarythought

As always, look out, stay safe, and don’t turn that baguette 180 degrees in a confined space.

It just doesn’t work that way.

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This article was first published on goodyfeed.com

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Featured Image: straitstimes.com