14 Nightlife & Entertainment Outlets Caught for Breaking COVID-19 Rules Since They Reopened

If you think that the removal of SafeEntry and TraceTogether checks means that you won’t see anyone patrolling and looking if you’re still adhering to safe management measures (SMMs), you couldn’t be more wrong.

In fact, the police have been conducting routine checks since entertainment and nightlife establishments were allowed to reopen their doors to the public, and so far fourteen have been caught for flouting COVID-19 regulations.

Just yesterday (29 April), the Singapore Police Force released a statement stating that the 14 entertainment and nightlife outlets were caught during a round of enforcement checks that took place between 19 April and 26 April.

A total of 406 outlets went through these checks.

The checks, which were conducted by the police, together with Singapore Tourism Board, Urban Redevelopment Authority, Enterprise Singapore, Singapore Food Agency, Singapore Land Authority and Sentosa Development Corporation, were carried out to make sure that the resumption of nightlife in Singapore was done in a safe manner.

Two Outlets Closed, 23 People Fined

In the statement, the police also noted that two of the 14 outlets have since been slapped with closure orders due to the breach of SMMs. Additionally, they may face composition fines or even prosecution for their non-compliance.

The SMMs that these outlets flouted include not having a way of checking for customers’ vaccination statuses before allowing them to enter the premises, as well as not minimising physical interactions between patrons and staff.

Apart from the outlets themselves, 23 individuals have also been fined for not adhering to SMMs.

Other Offences

Other than the flouting of SMMs, the police also mentioned that 27 people are currently being investigated for other offences.

The 27 people include operators, staff members and customers of the nightlife establishements.

One operator is currently being investigated for providing public entertainment without a valid licence under the Public Entertainments Act 1958 as he apparently supplied liquor beyond the establishment’s premises.

The outlet has since been ordered to close its doors for 30 days, and may also face prosecution.

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For supplying liquor without a valid licence or providing public entertainment without a valid licence each, individuals may be fined up to $20,000 for each offence. They may also face a fine of up to $10,000 for supplying liquor outside of licensed premises.

For non-compliance with SMMs, individuals may face up to six months’ imprisonment, a maximum fine of $10,000, or both.

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Featured Image: Singapore Police Force