Man Lost 9kg in a Month By Playing Nintendo Switch at Home Daily

Last Updated on 2022-08-29 , 9:13 pm

It must sound like a dream: to be able to play the Nintendo Switch at home and lose 9 kg in a month concurrently

After all, it’s hardly routine to associate games and weight loss in the same sentence. Games and weight gain, probably. But weight loss?

Nah, not happening.

And yet, just like how my Aunt Matilda has successfully turned over a new leaf, the impossible has become possible. Gaming, once thought to encourage physical immobility and rapid artery clogging…

Has somehow become the new face of weight loss, as the following article headline would attest to:

Man Lost 9kg in a Month By Playing Nintendo Switch at Home Daily

According to an article posted on Smart Holiday, a guy from the Philippines has achieved the impossible:

He managed to lose 9 kg in just 30 days, all while having fun!

Having committed to an action/role-playing game called Ring Fit Adventure (where players move on the spot and perform exercises such as squats) for 30 days, Migui soon went from a respectable 78 kg…

To an even more respectable 69 kg!

“I regularly check my weighing scale at home and my current weight sits at around 69 kilograms. My weight is within the ideal BMI for a guy with a height of 5′ 6,” Migui said.

According to the man himself, he had been overweight for several years and had tried shedding weight by cycling to work and playing a boxing game on Nintendo Switch. None of them, however, managed to help him succeed in his objective.

Until Ring Fit Adventure came along.

“I figured that Ring Fit Adventure might be a better motivator than the game mentioned earlier. True enough, it did work!” he said.

30% Exercise, 70% Diet

You can exercise all you want, but the fact remains that if you’re on a constant caloric surplus…

You’re never going to lose any weight.

And indeed, Migui’s successful transformation didn’t just involve hardcore training for 30 days; he also tweaked his diet to ensure maximum progression.

“The diet tips I would like to share is to cut carbs in your daily consumption. I usually stick with 1 cup of rice a day and no more meals after 7pm. Combining this with Ring Fit Adventure helped me reduce my numbers,” he shared.

And there you have it folks. There’s no secret, no shortcut here. Just plain old hard work, self-discipline…

And maybe just a dose of entertainment factor. 😉

On an ending note, kudos, Migui! Not only have you achieved your heart’s desire…

But you’ve also paved the way for many, many struggling individuals out there. 

If you can relate, keep fighting, keep working;

The results will come.

Though well, Ring Fit Adventure might just help!


Note: This article is not written in collaboration with Ring Fit Adventure, if not there won’t be so many fat people in Goody Feed liao.

Featured Image: Facebook (Migui Minaj) +