NOC Has Suddenly Removed All Videos From Their YouTube Channel After Shutting Down Food King

While the infamous Night Owl Cinematics (NOC) saga took place quite some time ago, the repercussions and other issues that have surfaced as a result of it have clearly not been resolved since then.

In particular, some of you may have heard that NOC sued Ryan, its co-founder, two of its talents that are on “Ryan’s side” of the saga and Reno King (Ryan’s company) recently.

NOC sued Ryan, while the two talents, Grace Lim and Samatha Tan, were sued by TEAM NOC, a company of which Ryan and Sylvia share equal ownership.

The case involving Reno King and NOC has been filed with the Supreme Court, meaning that the case is worth more than $250,000.

On the other hand, the cases with both Lim and Tan have been filed with the States Courts.

I’ll spare you the details, but all three cases have been classified under “employment” matters. The hearings have also been done through video conferencing thus far.

And since the NOC saga only took place sometime late last year, it seems like legal action was taken against Reno King, Ryan and the two former NOC talents shortly after the saga since hearings usually take place around eight months to a year after a Writ of Summons, which is given to people when legal action is taken against them, is issued.

Food King Also Shut Down Recently, But…

More recently, Food King, which is probably NOC’s most well-known series, was also shut down last Friday (2 September) without any prior warning.

But hey, that’s okay, because their main channel with almost a million subscribers is still going strong… right?

Well, not really.

Even more recently, it was noticed that all the videos from the NOC YouTube Channel (yes, even the ones that have been with us since the early 2010s) have all been deleted.

Deletion of All Videos from NOC YouTube Channel

Currently, a quick search for NOC’s YouTube channel on the video-sharing platform will yield such a result:

Image: YouTube (Night Owl Cinematics)

However, NOC’s website is still up and still lists the breakdown of their viewership and clients that they have worked with in the past such as Mediacorp and McDonald’s.

Under the “Our Brands” section, Food King is still listed, along with Night Owl Cinematics and Sugarmelon, with the latter being their now-inactive YouTube channel that produces Chinese content.

However, while Sugarmelon’s page still shows links and previews to the YouTube channel’s videos, the pages for both NOC and Food King are filled with “Video unavailable” and “This video is private” phrases under the content segment.

The deletion of the YouTube videos on NOC’s YouTube page also took place quietly and without any notice at all, and none of NOC’s staff members have publicly addressed this issue on their social media accounts as of now.

NOC also did not inform their followers through their own official Instagram account, with the most recent Instagram post on the account dating back to 27 March this year.

In the comments sections, many fans have left comments expressing pity and their disbelief over the deletion of NOC’s videos, while others have asked why the videos have been mysteriously deleted.

On the other hand, the videos on the TEAM NOC YouTube channel have not been deleted, although the last time anything was posted on that account was a year ago.

The Team NOC TikTok account has also not been updated since January last year.

Goody Feed has since reached out to NOC for comment.

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More Information Regarding Closure of Food King

As for the closure of Food King, it took place more “openly”, although still as abrupt as how NOC deleted all of its videos.

For those who haven’t been tuning in to Food King’s Instagram account, the account posted a farewell post on 2 September with pictures of the crew:


View this post on Instagram


A post shared by Food King (@foodkingsg)

In the post, the Food King team thanked both their supporters and haters before revealing that “Food King has never been about onscreen personalities or [their] bosses”.

They then wrote that their priority was always food and people who enjoy food, and that it was what “kept the Food King team going” in rough times.

“The Food King team members will be heading off in different directions but our love for food will stay the same.

But we won’t do it all over again. Goodbye,” they concluded.

All of Food King’s social media posts and videos have since been deleted or made private, and the profile photos have been changed to a black image as well.

Prior to its closure, Food King, which was initially hosted by Ryan, Dee Kosh and Aiken Chia, also underwent rebranding after the original hosts left NOC.

You can find out more about the closure of NOC and Food King here:

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Featured Image: YouTube (Night Owl Cinematics)