Experts: People With ‘Non-Severe’ Allergic Skin Reaction To mRNA Vaccine Can Take More Doses

Previously, should you suffer from mild skin allergic reaction to the mRNA (read: Pfizer or Moderna) vaccine, you’ll be told: Sorry, but not sorry, you can’t get the second dose of this vaccine. You got to wait for Sinovac.

That was what some individuals in Singapore faced; and when Sinovac wasn’t available, they had to resign themselves to eating out at coffee shops instead of restaurants.

However, that’s all about to change.

You Can Now Keep Taking The Vaccine If You Had Non-Severe Allergic Skin Reactions

The COVID-19 Vaccines Expert Committee has now weighed in on the issue of people previously being unable to continue taking mRNA vaccines after having mild or non-specific skin symptoms to their first dose.

Some were offered the option to take the Sinovac vaccine instead, which uses a different technology from the two standard vaccines involved in the national vaccination program.

However, the Expert Committee announced on 16 September that people who experienced non-severe allergic skin reactions to the vaccines can now take their second doses as originally planned.

They had reviewed further safety data on the vaccines before coming to this decision.

Non-Severe Skin Allergies Include Itching Or The Flare-Up Of Eczema 

Non-specific and mild allergies included developing red patches away from the injection site, eczema, or starting to itch without having a rash.

It also covers people who suddenly had their eczema or psoriasis flaring up after the jab.

People who experienced such non-severe reactions more than four hours after the jab without other effects will also be allowed to take their second doses.

In any case, skin reactions like rashes and hives were one of the most commonly reported adverse reactions to the vaccines as well.

“Persons with the above conditions are encouraged to return to their previous vaccination sites in order to be reassessed for eligibility to complete their vaccination,” the committee added.

You Shouldn’t Exercise Within 14 Days After Getting The Jab

With regards to more updates about vaccination, the expert committee also suggested that people refrain from exercising for at least two weeks after their jabs – which you can find more about here.

Yes, it used to be 2 days, then a week, and now 2 weeks.

Currently, 82% of the Singapore population has been fully vaccinated – and with this move, hopefully, there will be more able to complete their regimes now.

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Feature Image: BaLL LunLa /