Nono Questioned by the Police & is Out on Bail Due to Taiwan’s #MeToo Movement

The higher you go, the greater the fall.

This is especially painful when the fall is due to a scandal or bad news.

For celebrities and public figures, the risk of abusing one’s power as a “top dog” may prove irresistible, though there could be a heavy price to pay if these transgressions are brought to light.

Taiwanese comedian Nono would be aware of that.

He was accused of sexually harassing or assaulting over 30 women and was questioned by the police. He is currently out on bail.

Here is more on what happened.

Taiwanese Comedian Nono Spotted in Public for the First Time Since Accusations Against Him

For those unaware, Taiwan has recently been swept up in a #MeToo movement, where many women have been stepping up to report sexual harassment or abuse they suffered at the hands of others.

One of those culprits was identified as Taiwanese comedian Nono. His real name is Chen Hsuan-yu.

So far, up to 30 women have come forward with accusations against Nono.

Since the scandal broke, Nono has been lying low. He had also suspended his work after the accusations were made.

However, Nono has since made a public appearance for the first time since he “went into hiding”.

Unfortunately, it was to attend a police questioning.

He Was Questioned by the Police and Released on Bail

In relation to these accusations against Nono, the Taiwanese police hauled Nono to the Taipei District Prosecutors’ Office for questioning about the sexual harassment and assault accusations.

The authorities also searched his home and office, and some of his personal items, including his mobile phone and computer, were seized.

Taiwanese media reported that Nono was questioned for more than an hour at the prosecutor’s office before he was released in the afternoon on bail.

The bail amount was reportedly NT$500,000 (approximately S$21,200). That’s no small sum.

When Nono left the prosecutor’s office, media outlets bombarded him with questions, and camera flashes went off non-stop.

Here’s a video of Nono leaving the prosecutor’s office after questioning from Taiwanese news outlet TVBS News.

Nono declined to answer any media comments or give any comments while leaving the venue.

For now, it appears from Taiwanese media reports that Nono had denied all allegations against him, though he did make a cryptic comment that he would have to “face it sooner or later” when the police came knocking on his door.