NSF Saves Fellow Commuter’s Life After He Collapses On Bus

A man was riding on bus service 241 at Jurong West Street 63 on Wednesday, 11 September when he suddenly took a gasp of air and winced in pain before collapsing onto the ground, according to Lianhe Wanbao.

Putting What He Learned To Good Use

A full-time National Serviceman (NSF) who was also on the bus immediately rushed to his side to check on him. He did what he was taught to do during his NS training and laid the man flat on the ground before checking his vital signs.

Image: Lianhe Wanbao

He remained calm and did things systematically, and asked other passengers if they had dialled 995 for an ambulance.

He also made sure to keep the man conscious by shaking him when he started to froth at his mouth and visibly began to lose consciousness.

Noticing that the man had a plastic bag with food and chopsticks in it, the NSF took the chopsticks out and placed it in the man’s mouth so that he bit on the chopsticks instead of his own tongue.

He kept asking the man questions too in an attempt to keep him awake but according to a video shown to Wanbao by a passenger, the man looked weak and did not respond to any of the NSF’s questions.

What Happened Next

The Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) was reportedly alerted to the incident at 11.40am and promptly brought the man to Ng Teng Fong hospital.

The NSF was then praised by passengers on board the bus for his quick actions and thinking which ultimately saved the man’s life.

Other Heroes

There were also other incidents where passers-by helped save the lives of others.

A 15-year-old Singaporean student, Diniy Qurratuaini, recently saved a lady’s life by giving her cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) after the bus she was in collided with the lady.

Diniy is a member of the National Civil Defense Cadet Corps (NCDCC) and she thanked them for teaching her the skills that she can use in life-threatening situations.

On 3 June 2019, an elderly lady slipped and fell at Blk 417 Yishun Avenue 11. A man who passed by saw the incident and realised that most of the bystanders were just surrounding her.

With his eagle eyes, he spotted a clinic nearby and ran there to get help. A doctor, Dr Lai Yew Tah, and two nurses, Ms Nur Nabilah Binte Nordin and Ms Kimmy Lee, from Healthway Clinic rushed out to help the lady despite it being their lunch hour.

They stayed with her and gave her medical assistance while waiting for the ambulance to arrive.

Even though you may not be trained in first aid, it doesn’t mean that you are still unable to render help to anyone who needs it.

Kudos to all these heroes. If not for their quick thinking, who knows what could have happened?