NSF’s Response To Lady Who Complained About Traffic Caused By NSF’s Bookout Wins The Day

NSFs are the punching bag of society. And I believe most, if not all, Singaporeans will agree with that. Except those who are flat out punching said NSFs, that is.

NSF Book Out Causing Jam Around White Sands

So I can’t say I’m surprised when this lady wrote to allsingaporestuff to complain about the traffic jam around White Sands on Friday night. 

The cause of the jam, she claimed, is the parents of NSFs in Tekong who drove around the area to pick up their kids from the bus interchange. 

And of course, she has to bring out the age-old argument about not letting these boys go soft when they should learn to be independent. Except in not so polite terms. 

Can parents please stop pampering their boys whom are serving their NS? Let them be independent! Why must parents every Friday night go drive and park around White Sands area causing massive jams there just to pick their own son? Are these boys paralysed? Or need to be spoon fed? Continue being like this our boys will go nowhere!

She went on to request for authorities to step in and do something about the situation. 

After all, it’s not like it’s an ulu place where there’s no other public transport, right?

There got no MRT and bus for them to take is it? No taxi or uber and grab for them is it?

She ended off with claiming that even though she drove when her son was in the army, she didn’t go and pick up her kid. 

NSF’s Perfectly Sarcastic Response To Lady Wins The Internet

Her post, of course, drew a lot of anger. But within the uproar caused by her callous comments was one gem that we just had to share with you.

He started off by apologising for the mess. 

Sorry for being an inconvenience. Sorry for serving. Sorry for only being able to book out on Friday evenings. Sorry my parents care for me and yearn to see me and want to pick me up so I can get home as soon as possible after having already spent the entire week in camp.

Lastly, I’m sorry my entire week in camp doesn’t match up to the 15 mins you take to get out of traffic. Because your time is more important than all of the NSFs’.

And he went on to talk about how Singaporeans took a safe and assuring country for granted.

In fact, he said that this is the only society he knows that picks every possible moment to snipe at our men in uniform.

Which is true, by the way. People complain about us being too smelly (anyone remembers the NSman-only cabin joke?), or for sitting down on public transport when we’re in uniform.

It doesn’t make sense to him because those who are responsible for protecting the people are getting attacked by the people they’re protecting. 

Then, he called her out on her selfishness.

Now, if you can’t seem to let go of that 15 mins it takes for you to get out of traffic, what say the hour or two it’ll take for those boys to get home if they all take the bus or train?

And I’ll tag on that a bit: you, lady, can stay out all week long while NSFs only have less than two days of freedom. #JustSaying

And of course, he had to end it beautifully.

And before we know it, we’ll be seeing another article about how our NSFs are taking up seats and space on public transportation, depriving the public of such said amenities. What? Are they paralysed? They no legs ah? Cannot walk home ah?

Somebody give this guy best soldier award. 

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Feature Image: allsingaporestuff.com

This article was first published on goodyfeed.com

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