NUS Forms Committee To Review After Student Who Was Filmed Showering Called For ‘Justice’

Sometimes, in life, things have to be expressed for the greater good.

For example, you getting filmed in a school hall, the pervert getting let off with a slap on the wrist and being told that’s all the school will do.

Believe it or not, that was what happened.


Here’s A Flashback In Case You’ve Missed it

Image: ben bryant / (Image is for illustration purpose only)

On 25 Nov 2018, NUS student Monica Baey was showering at Eusoff Hall when she realised a person who filming her while she was showering.

Outraged, she contacted campus security and made a police report as well. It turns out that the man who filmed her was someone she knew. In fact, she knew his girlfriend as well.

Unhappy With Punishment

The Police Investigation: The voyeur was slapped with a 12-month conditional stern warning.

NUS: Now, on NUS’s side, after they were done with their investigation, this was what they slapped him with:

  • Made him write a compulsory apology letter.
  • Mandatory counselling.
  • Not allowed in the dorms anymore.
  • Gave him a one-semester suspension.

She wasn’t happy with the punishment as she felt that he was let off with a slap on his wrist.

NUS Convenes Review Committee

Baey went on to claim that when she asked NUS if that’s all the punishment the voyeur was going to get, they said, yes.

Until her unhappiness went viral, that is.

Because shortly after her series of Instagram stories struck a chord with Singaporeans’ inner SJWs, the school announced that they’ve formed a committee to review their disciplinary and support frameworks.


“We are sorry for Miss Monica Baey’s distressing experience, which is of extreme concern to the University.”

“We are in the process of reaching out to her to offer our support and assistance,” it added.

The school said that they take the incident seriously. They added that the NUS Board of Discipline will conduct their own disciplinary proceedings when such incidents happen.

Some of the factors they consider are:

  • The severity of the offence
  • Need for justice for the victim
  • The rehabilitative needs of the student offender
  • NUS community’s safety
  • Decisions and penalties of the relevant authorities

Promise To Study International Institutions

The committee will have representation from the NUS Board of Trustees and will study the approaches of other international institutions.

They will also get feedback from various stakeholders.

The committee will reveal the findings and follow-up actions in the new academic year.