Old Chang Kee to Sell Curry Puff Flavoured Potato Chips From 15 Sep at S$1.20

You’ve seen Hainanese Chicken Rice chips

Laksa Chips…

and Egg Prata Chips

At this point, we’re playing bingo for the next <Local Dish>_Potato_Chips.pptx. And I don’t know who, but someone out there must be begging for it to happen faster.

Image: Giphy

We’re bored with our food! We need more stimulation into our potato chip holes while we Netflix!

Good news for you! Because the next one is already here: Old Chang Kee curry puff. But of course, you already knew that from reading the title.

Image: Giphy

Damn you Goody writer! Stop teasing us already! Give us the goods! Show us the treasure!

Curry Puff Potato Chips at all Old Chang Kee outlets from 15 Sep 2019

Image: Old Chang Kee
Image: Giphy

And as the title says, it goes for S$1.20 per packet. In the words of Old Chang Kee, they are “deliciously addictive, crunchy, buttery and full of familiar flavours.”

It also happens to be made with the same ingredients for the Curry’O.

Sadly, this doesn’t include the chicken, but only refers to the potato and curry spices used.

Hold on… doesn’t this mean that this is just a curry flavoured potato chips?

Image: Giphy

No, you shut up you! Nobody has tried it to prove it to be so! Until then the chip will remain as Curry Puff Potato Chips!

It will be a permanent item

Mothership says that the item will be permanently available.

You know what this means? This means that Old Chang Kee thought the potato chips were good enough that people will keep buying them from now on.

Which means… this potato chip is to be excited for.

Will it taste like curry puff? Or will it taste like curry only? Will it successfully capture the sensation of biting into a buttery crust to be met with a medley of spices, egg, potato, and chicken?

So many questions, but the answer is for another time…

Here are some Old Chang Kee facts, just because

And because we need more of your ad money know you like Old Chang Kee so much you want to know more about them, here are 2 articles we did in the past on the brand:

Just remember to put 15 Sep on your calendar… and wait with anticipation.

Image: Giphy