Education Minister Ong Ye Kung Took Down FB Video After Authorities Flagged It

With the Polling Day right around the corner, things are getting intense.

The GE debate took off and made the headlines, where WP’s Jamus Lim became an opposition fan-favourite.

Candidates for this year’s General Election are pulling out all the stops. Posters are put up on lampposts and signposts, infographics and videos are posted everywhere on social media.

As videos go, the more heartwarming and wholesome it is, the better – it humanises them and shows that level of compassion we all want in a Minister.

Minister Ong Ye Kung’s Campaign Video

Things are the same for the Sembawang GRC, where Education Minister One Ye Kung leads the PAP candidates in the race.

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Mr Ong put up a three-minute video to aid his campaign yesterday, which you may have seen in its short time on Facebook.

The video had involved him having a “good chat” with a young boy from Sembawang named Jony.

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Video Found To Be Against Election Rules

That didn’t go over so well, unfortunately, as he was informed by the authorities that the video was against election rules.

Apparently, electoral rules stated that primary school and secondary students were not allowed to be involved with any form of election activities.

Being featured in a video was definitely against the rules as well, as they do not “fully understand what they may be promoting or subjecting themselves to”, according to the Elections Department website.

Image: Facebook (Ong Ye Kung)

Mr Ong took down the video after being informed and put up a Facebook post explaining the situation, which you can read here.

Public Support

Many comments on Mr Ong’s post voiced out overwhelming support for him and his video.

Those who had managed to watch the video before it was taken down claimed that it was a very natural and unscripted video and was highly enjoyable.

Image: Facebook

However, they did understand the rules and respected the need to take it down due to Jony being a minor.

Image: Facebook

Some also raised their wish to see the video be re-uploaded after the election, or perhaps even more of such clips in the future.

Image: Facebook

That’s one of the most solid ideas I’ve read in a while.

What do you think? Would you want to see more of such videos in the future?

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