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COVID-19 Updates Singapore (18 Mar): 47 New Cases with 33 Being Imported

Yes, you’ve read it right: the number of new cases today hit an all-time high of 47 new cases in a day. 33 of them...

MP Asked Hoarder in Supermarket Why They Panic-Buy & Family Said, ‘None of Your...

During the COVID-19 outbreak, many good people emerged. A couple gave free masks, companies gave free food and a person even gave up his lucrative...

Pornhub Giving Italians 1 Month Free Premiun Subscription As They Are All Confined to...

Italy has been ravaged by the Covid-19 coronavirus. National health authorities reported a whopping 3,497 new cases on Saturday (14 Mar), a 20% increase in...

NTU Foreign Student Breaches Stay-Home-Notice, Lies About Movements To Authorities

During this critical period where the spread of the COVID-19 infection is rampant, it's important for everyone to play their part. Unfortunately, not everyone is...

US Politicians / Officials Told People Not to Touch Their Face But They Were...

Covid-19. The coronavirus that's disrupting world economies. People all around the world have been told not to touch their noses, mouths and faces during this...

Everything About The Singtel Staff Who Tested Positive For Covid-19 Just Yesterday

In the latest turn of events in the COVID-19 Singapore saga, a Singtel employee was diagnosed with the novel coronavirus on Thursday night. The telco...

Over 4,500 Stay-Home-Notices Handed Out To Travellers Since Scheme Started Two Weeks Ago

Singapore is taking the COVID-19 outbreak very seriously. Various enhanced measures such as travel restrictions have been implemented to try to contain the spread...

Jetstar Will Not Refund Anyone Who Cancels Trip To Non-Travel Advisory Countries

The worst thing that could possibly happen (other than a GST hike) is for you to be forced to cancel your holiday plans because...

Everything About The Gunman Holding Dozens Of Hostages At Popular Manila Shopping Mall

When you're fired from your job, there are a few ways you can react: 1) Mope for a few weeks. Go through several tubs of...

Why GST Hike Cannot Be Cancelled: ‘It’s About Responsibility’

If there's one thing every Singaporean hates it's GST. Just the very word is like a slap in the face. Okay, I'm exaggerating. Or maybe...