Pokemon GO Developer Making a…Harry Potter Game. Here’s What You Should Know

Harry Potter…where do I begin?

Image: nurgir.blogspot.com

Do you remember getting your hands on the first book or when you caught the first film?

Image: beautifuldreams-blog.tumblr.com

Once I start, I won’t be able to stop, that’s how much of a fan I am.

That sheer excitement running through your body, how does one get it back?


The franchise is far from being dead as Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them 2 will be hitting the silver screen next year, further delving deep into the wizarding world.

Well, Potterheads have something else to look forward to as well.

There will be a Harry Potter themed game hitting next year!

Image: reddit.com

Harry Potter: Wizards Unite

The game is called Harry Potter: Wizards Unite and this will be the “letter” that we all have been waiting for almost a decade.

Image: winds-of-desolation.tumblr.com

The game is by Pokemon Go developer, Niantic Inc and Warner Bros Interactive Entertainment, and just like the preceding game by the former, it will use augmented reality (AR).

So the wizarding world will be brought to Singapore as they will be using real locations.

The game is still in its initial stages of development so details are scarce but we can expect…

Spellcasting during work or school hours?

Image: playbuzz.com

Finding artifacts (or maybe Horcruxes) possibly in places that you would normally hang out in.

Image: giphy.com

Battling with powerful enemies (you mean Death Eaters) but make sure you don’t wake up your neighbours.

Image: imgur.com

Coming “face to face” with magical creatures, maybe in Hillview?

Image: harrypotter.wikia.com

Imagine running into a Dementor while you’re in Yishun…

Image: popsugar.com

Or worse, running into he-who-must-not-be-named when you are in Bukit Batok.

Image: gifimage.net

So those who are suffering from an existential crisis, you have something to look forward to next year.

2018 is going to be a good year for Potterheads.

And for those who are not a fan of Harry Potter…

Image: harry-potter.aminoapps.com

Can they do one for Stranger Things as well?


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This article was first published on goodyfeed.com

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