Popular Photo Of Fat Cat Napping With Chou Chou Actually Died Back in 2016

According to my very fat boss, cats are cute.

Especially fat cats.

In fact, he once forced a colleague of mine (who dislikes cats) to write “10 cutest cat videos of all time” just because he’s too lazy to find some cat videos himself.

So when this picture came out on Singapore’s social media?

Image: Singapore Pets Page Facebook Page

A cat? With its chou chou?!

That’s pure gold.

And Singaporeans Agree

Within just 5 hours of upload, this cat with its chou chou garnered over 5,000 shares.

Some netizens shared photos, presumedly of the same cat.

Image: Singapore Pets Page Facebook Page
Image: Singapore Pets Page Facebook Page

While others love his belly and chou chou.

Image: Singapore Pets Page Facebook Page

Meanwhile, our resident hunk, bufflord95, is now hugging his chou chou and crying in a corner of the office.

Image: Imgflip.com

It’s Actually An Old Photo

Now, before you decide to wander to wherever the cat is and see it alive and in action, know this:  According to Mothership.sg, this is actually an old photo shared back in 2013.

The cat is aptly named “Ah Pui (fatty in Hokkien)” and was said to have two brothers, according to his caregiver.

Image: Facebook via mothership.sg

He used to hang out at a coffee shop near Fajar Shopping Centre in Bukit Panjang and his “chou chou” were donated by the owner of the coffee shop.

And the reason why he has such a big tummy is simply…too much food.

*cue bufflord95 crying*

Ah Pui Has Passed On In 2016

It was added that Ah Pui, the cat that captured many Singaporean hearts yesterday, had passed away two years ago.

He was suffering from urinary tract infection (UTI), and his condition worsened.

It got to the point where he couldn’t urinate on his own and has to be brought to the vet to drain his urine out.

While he was given a diet to follow by the vet, he eventually succumbed to his condition.

Image: Butsaya / Shutterstock.com

Moral of the Story: 

Now, this post is goodness overload. But this incident also proved one thing: that not many people are able to tell if this was a post that’s posted recently a few years back.

Plus, with all the timestamps of posts on Facebook posts, it can get pretty confusing.

So next time you see a post showing something truly horrifying (no, I’m not talking about Goody Feed’s Facebook posts), stop and think for a moment: is this true?

Because given how the Government is cracking down on the spreading of “fake news” in recent times, you might just find yourself answering questions from law minister K Shanmugam in a trial.