Woman in China Queues for 2 Hours for a COVID-19 Test Only to Realise She Was in a Queue for Roast Chicken

As Singaporeans, we’ve probably queued for something (or, at least thought about queueing for it) because we saw a long, snaking line of people also waiting to get the item.

But if you need a reminder to look carefully at what you’re waiting in line for before spending hours waiting for it, here’s your reminder.

Woman in China Queued for 2 Hours for “COVID-19 Test”

Over in Hangzhou, which is in Zhejiang, China, a lady named Lena Lin learned to look at the queue carefully before blindly following the hard way.

For those who’ve been updated about the COVID-19 situation in China, you’ll know that the number of cases in the country has been rising. In fact, they’ve been faced with the highest number of cases in two years.

As such, the Chinese government has been rolling out lockdowns in various cities, causing residents to scramble in order to get negative COVID-19 tests (and peace of mind).

Of course, Lin was no different.

According to what Lin told Litchi News in a video, she got up early just to head out to get her COVID-19 test on 11 March, but a silly mistake left her with anything but that.

Just like most of us would have done, she joined the back of a queue once she reached the area near the hospital and waited patiently in line.

However, after almost a two-hour wait, it finally dawned on her as she was approaching the front of the line that the queue was, in fact, not for COVID-19 tests.

Instead, those in line were queuing to buy roast chicken.

Yup, you read that right. I’m not sure how roast chicken smells anything like getting a COVID-19 test, but somehow she still managed to get them mixed up.

Either that, or the roast chicken had no smell at all. Which I guess means that it’s not that delicious after all…or Lin is COVID-positive?

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Seeing that she had already been queueing for almost two hours, Lin decided to buy two roast chickens instead of “wasting” the time she had spent in line.

Well, I’m just wondering how many roast chickens this stall has sold due to errors like this…

The video, which has since garnered over eight million views on Chinese social media platform Weibo, resulted in many netizens commenting about the hilarious mistake.

However, others also questioned if this “mistake” was done on purpose to attract the attention of netizens.

This was especially due to the fact that the roast chicken stall and hospital are apparently rather far away from each other.

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Featured Image: Weibo (Litchi News)