Remember Gunbound? It Has Become a Pokemon GO. Sort Of.

Do you remember the game Gunbound?

It was first released in 2003 by developer Softnyx and became an instant hit with PC gamers. As the gaming world shifted from PC to smartphones and tablets, players of Gunbound have been disappointed that there was no mobile version of the popular game.

Gunbound has been slow to catch up but there is exciting news for all Gunbound lovers as it is recently ported to the mobile platform as GunboundM.

Available in both Android and iOS, this free-to-play mobile version was created by a new company called in a partnership with Gunbound’s original creator Softnyx.

While the gameplay is similar to the original PC version, the mobile version has a few changes. The main change is how a player controls his or her own team of battle-mobile.

In the original PC game, players control an individual battle-mobile and team up with others to fight against another group of players. In GunboundM, a player is given control over a team of up to three battle-mobiles, eliminating the need for players to play as a team.

Player matches become one-on-one, and each player can customise, equipped and control his or her own team of battle-mobiles.

Players can customise their teams by using in-game currency or actual money to purchase and upgrade different battle-mobiles and avatars. However, there is a catch to this: The game employs a “gacha” system in which battle-mobiles and avatars are randomly given with each purchase. Hence, players will not be guaranteed a strong battle-mobile or avatar each time they make a purchase to boost their team.

If players want special avatars and battle-mobiles, they can purchase special packages which offer them.

Most players would know that controls for Gunbound works pretty similar to the popular game Worms, another retro game that every 90s kid would have played before.

For GunboundM, controls are made easier by having a guide path to help players aim their shots. While wind direction and strength is taken into account in the original Gunbound, they are not taken into account in GunboundM as long as the guide path is traced. That makes things easier for gamers to play!

Nonetheless, the best difference between the mobile version and the PC version is the inclusion of a unique single player AI battle system known as Battle Training. Players of the mobile version can battle with different teams of AI-controlled battle-mobile to get special rewards.

More importantly, players can train their skills and upgrade their battle-mobiles in the progress!

This battle training system also showcase its mobile gaming touch since developers will be able to launch limited-time events to keep players engaged, and to encourage more in-game purchases.

GunboundM, however, is not a replacement for the original PC game Gunbound. Although graphics on GunboundM has been levelled up, it can be seen as more of a mobile counterpart to the original PC game rather than a replacement.

The PC gameplay holds much of its appeal to players who prefer individual battle-mobiles, avatar customisation as well as the social aspect of the game – where any player could team up with 7 different individuals for a four-on-four team battle.

Now, isn’t this much better than Pokemon GO?

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