Remember TRS Food Stall? It’s Expanding Faster Than You Imagine

I‘m sure most of you remember the TRS (The Real Singapore) saga from two years back if you’ve been actively browsing the Internet.

Yeah, the case where a couple was charged under the Sedition Act for fabricating articles which “promote feelings of ill-will and hostility between different classes of the population of Singapore”.


Long story cut short: they operated the website anonymously and “resorted to outright and blatant fabrication in order to attract internet users to their website”.

Both were imprisoned: husband Yang Kaiheng was jailed eight months while wife Ai Takagi was jailed ten months.

That was the last I’ve heard about them. I honestly did not know that they have since opened up a Ramen stall named “Takagi Ramen Shop” at NUS canteens.

Oh and, in case you didn’t notice, the abbreviation for the stall is “TRS”.

Hmm, nicely done. I guess it’s a way to get some publicity and remind people about who they are(were)?

Anyway, when my editor told me to write about “TRS” I actually thought: Wait, did they make a comeback? After all they’ve been through?

Turns out, it wasn’t something bad about them.

In fact, take a look at this screenshot from their Instagram account.


If you would pay attention to the info instead of that delicious looking bowl of Ramen (Hey, I’m always hungry), you would’ve realized that “TRS” has opened up two more stores since then!

The first stall was in Ang Mo Kio, then one more popped out in NUS and finally, the opened a restaurant-style one in Jurong West.

Wow, I’m actually surprised that they’re capable of opening so many stores. Is their Ramen really that good? There must be a reason why they’re expanding so fast, right?


A quick glimpse at their Facebook reviews revealed the general consensus of the patrons. Well, of course, we can’t always trust the online reviews lah.

I mean, who knows if it’s real or fabricated, right? #justsaying

But here’s the thing: sales numbers don’t lie. They started out in a stall in an Ang Mo Kio coffeeshop…

Image: Instagram (takagiramen)

…and now, to a chain with two restaurant-styled outlets (in Jurong West and soon, in Ang Mo Kio, whereby the stall will be moved to its own space) and a stall in NUS.

Image: Instagram (takagiramen)

All these in just two short years.

Let’s just say that the growth of TRS, whether website or ramen, is always exponential.

What’s even more interesting about the TRS duo is that instead of distancing away from their history, they’re not ashamed to have made the mistake and showed others that as long as you’re willing to turn over a new leaf, you can succeed.

An inspiring story, indeed.

Here, not I say one. They posted it in their Instagram account earlier this year:

Lest you can’t read. here’s what they’ve written:

Did you know the new @jackneock film Take2 about a group of ex-convicts starting off their new life by selling Japanese Ramen is actually based on our own true story?

We are founded by ex-convicts who went to jail for offending the government but are now very remorseful and have turned over a new leaf by selling affordable Japanese Ramen to Singaporeans.

Our ramen was even used for filming some of the food scenes in the movie!

That being said, I’m actually interested in going down to “TRS” for a bowl of Ramen. The price is reasonable and the food doesn’t look too shabby either! For all you know, they might one day become a big player in the local market!

And hey, at least they’re making an honest living now. That’s a good thing, right?

Since you’re here, why not watch a video about an NTU student who went all out to impress his crush, only to end up in…tragedy? Here, watch it and do remember to share it (and also subscribe to Goody Feed YouTube channel)!

This article was first published on

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Featured image: Instagram (takagiramen)