Resident in Chinatown HDB So Triggered by Smell from Restaurant, She Put Up a Notice on Her Window

Each of us has our own pet peeves, such as people chewing with their mouths open or texting during a meal.

A woman, on the other hand, is so irritated with the burning oil smells from the restaurant below her house that she decided to put up a signboard by her windows.

Resident in Chinatown HDB So Triggered by Smell from Restaurant, She Put Up a Notice on Her Window

Image: Zaobao Singapore

The notice was seen in a unit located on the seventh floor of Block 533 Upper Cross Street. The block has a few shops, F&B outlets and a market and food centre below.

The big character posters translate to “Oil smells every day” and “bullying the residents”.

It also has the initials of government agencies like NEA (National Environment Agency), SFA (Singapore Food Agency), HDB (Housing & Development Board) and JBTC (Jalan Besar Town Council).

Reporter Went to Her Unit to Find Out More but to No Avail 

A reporter visited the unit and saw that the iron door was open but no one answered the door.

Image: SRX

A male neighbour said that the woman was most likely at home but was unwilling to answer the door. He added that he did not smell much of the oil smoke.

Neighbours nearby also said that they did not notice the big-character posters on the window.

However, a 62-year-old man who lives next door said that he smelled the smoke almost daily and it gets worse during lunch and dinner.

He added that it was due to the exhaust pipe of a restaurant downstairs extending to the fourth floor—and nearby residents will be affected.

The Restaurant has been Identified and they have Installed Purifiers 

The “culprit” behind all the smokey smell was Yan Palace Restaurant, a popular Chinese restaurant which your grandparents probably were there on their first date.

Image: Chinatown Singapore

The spokesperson of the restaurant, Ms Chen, said that she had not received complaints from their customers or businessmen but will continue to make improvements by cleaning the lampblack pipes.

They also installed purifiers back in May as they were previously asked to reduce the emission of oil fumes.

She also revealed that the restaurant will smell of oil smoke sometimes, and apologised to the residents for this. She added that she was unaware that a unit upstairs placed the big-character posters.

In future, if such cases arise, she hopes that the residents would report to the restaurant directly and they will send someone to the unit to solve the problem if necessary.

After all, talking it out seems to be easier than making big posters that you can save to support your K-Pop idol’s concert, no?

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Featured Image: Zaobao Singapore & Foursquare