Cleaner in China Earns So Much, She Bought 2 Houses & 2 Cars

It has been said that pride is the hardest thing in the world to swallow. For this Chinese woman, it is especially true, and doing so has paid off for her.

Her story has gone viral in a Weibo video recently.

Woman in China Quits Admin Job to Become a Cleaner

It all began when Liu Xiaoli was faced with climbing debt. 

She had a son that just started schooling, and parents that had declining health conditions. Her mother was especially in need of healthcare aid and as such, her monthly expenditures kept increasing. 

At the time, the university graduate held a comfortable administrative job, but her salary was not enough to sustain. 

She swallowed her pride, took a leap of faith, and did the unthinkable: she started cleaning houses for a living. 

Liu worked hard, working up to 17 hours a day, from 7am till 2am. She sometimes didn’t have time to sit down and enjoy a proper meal and had to grab quick bites along the way to her next house. 

As they say, hard work pays off, and we can see it here.

She Owns 2 Properties and 2 Cars

Liu reaped what she sowed. 

After two years of hard work and consistent saving, she owns two properties in Zhengzhou and two cars. She has claimed that the houses are not big and the cars are inexpensive. Still a very impressive feat. 

You’d think she cleans money instead of houses. 

As for her increasing bills, she is now able to afford them. 

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Initial Stages

When she first began, she did not tell anyone about her job.

She thought it was embarrassing and did not want to be humiliated, and said that the work wasn’t easy not because of the labour but because of the stigma.

On social media, she didn’t post anything.

Even when she was six months into the job and had gone home for Chinese New Year, she did not tell her father about the job for fear of his disappointment. 

Some time later, she finally informed her parents about the job. She reasoned that having a university degree didn’t mean that she had to get a “presentable job” and “every job had its benefits.

To her surprise, her father agreed and supported her. 

With this, a weight was lifted off her back and she was more motivated to work even harder.

She Intends to Continue Being a Cleaner 

“The more you do it, the more you’ll start liking it,” Liu said.

She has fallen in love with her job and intends to continue.

Liu has shared that a source of motivation for her is her customers’ satisfaction. When she receives her customers’ trust and approval, she feels content. She feels that that sensation is worth more than how much she is paid.

“As long as the customer is satisfied, I’ll be very happy.”

In future, she hopes to bring in more ladies who shared her initial situation: too proud to start.

She wants to capitalise on the shortage of cleaners for all ladies to collectively increase their income.

She feels that as long as one is “willing to take hardship” and “isn’t afraid of tiredness”, the money can be earned.

By choosing the road less taken, she has forged her unique path to a happy life. Truly, an inspiring story.

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Featured Image: Weibo