Ex-NOC Talent in NOC Saga Quits Her Pre-school Job & is Now in SGAG

You might recognise Samantha Tan as one of the main talents involved in the NOC saga, but you’ll soon recognise her as one of SGAG’s talents instead.

The pre-school teacher has stepped away from that role to join SGAG and pursue a career in media.

Teacher Sam’s Last Day on 30 June

Samantha made an Instagram post about her decision on 30 June, which was also her last day as Teacher Sam.

She labelled it the “hardest decision [she’s] ever made”, as early childhood education isn’t just a career you can step away from. It is always hard to leave the children you’ve taught and watched them grow, after all.

The former teacher also said that early childhood education is a large part of her identity, and that she is still really passionate about it.

However, she decided to leave and start a new chapter of her life in media. This leads us to her new company…

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Yep, Samantha is now part of SGAG.

On SGAG’s website, they describe Samantha as the wearer of many hats. Indeed, when you think about how she’s a qualified pre-school teacher, singer, social media influencer, and even an actress (BTW, she starred in Ah Girls Go Army)… She’s truly a lady with many talents.

SGAG further states, “More than just a sweet-looking girl next door, Samantha goes the distance to entertain. She hopes to impact and inspire people from all walks of life.”

With a multitude of sponsored posts and song covers on her Instagram, Samantha seems to be happier than ever in SGAG, where she is… also polishing her kendama skills, much to the delight of the SGAG office.

All the best in your new job, Samantha!

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Featured Image: SGAG, Instagram (Samantha Tan)