Savage Uncle Continues To Eat BeeHoon After Seeing a Huge Snake At Bukit Gombak Coffeeshop

What would you do if you were eating at a coffeeshop and a huge snake suddenly appears beside you?

I’m not sure about you, but no matter how much I love my food or want to enjoy my lunch, my first instinct will still be to run away from the coffeeshop ASAP. 

However, this uncle had a different response to the situation.

Image: Facebook (Everyday SG)

Just today, a video posted by Everyday SG saw diners at Bukit Gombak went into a huge frenzy when they spotted a huge snake at slithering near the coffee shop. In the video, the diners were seen conjugating near the serpent and finding a way to get rid of it. 

However, in the video, a calm and collected uncle was still seen eating his beehoon at the table right in front of the serpent. While others were frantically trying to get away from it or finding ways to get the serpent away, he just sat through the commotion, calmly enjoying his plate of beehoon like nothing else in this world could bother him.

Someone give this badass uncle a medal.

Towards the end of the video, one diner used a chair to attract the attention of the serpent. It responded by lunging forward aggressively, but did not attack anyone.

You can watch the video below

Netizens, too, had a great time commenting on the video and the comments were hilarious.

Uncle, I salute you! 

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Featured Image: Facebook (Everyday SG)

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