SCDF Will Sound Public Warning System Siren on 15 Feb, 6:20pm

In commemoration of Total Defence Day, the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) will be sounding the “Important Message” signal via the island-wide network of Public Warning System (PWS) sirens on Saturday, 15 February 2025 at 6.20PM.

The exercise is also aims to allow the public to familiarise with the PWS signals and to raise awareness on how people should react when the signals are heard.

The exercise will last for around 1 minute.

You can have a listen to the signal here, so that you wouldn’t misconstrue it as your phone alarm waking you up from your afternoon nap, or the signals in your head telling you not to go back to your ex.

The SCDF has instructed members of the public to immediately tune in to any local radio stations or Mediacorp TV channels upon hearing the siren, for a brief message regarding the PWS.

The signal will sound for 20 seconds on all smartphones that have the SGSecure mobile app as well, accompanied by a brief text message on the PWS sounding. To receive the signal and the text message, the app’s notification and alert settings must be enabled.

For Those That Did Not Listen During CCE Lessons

For those that never listened during CCE lessons, here’s a crash course on Total Defence Day, and on the various PWS signals, so that you won’t be the first to get eaten if a zombie apocalypse were to occur in Singapore (touchwood).

Jokes aside, unbeknownst to many of us sheltered Singaporeans, our small and wealthy country is extremely vulnerable to such attacks.

Total Defence Day reminds us of this, as it marks Singapore’s fall to the Japanese in 1942.

It reminds us of the sufferings endured by previous generations during the Japanese Occupation, and also serves as an opportunity to educate the public on the PWS, as well as the six pillars of defence: Military Defence, Civil Defence, Economic Defence, Social Defence, Digital Defence and Psychological Defence.

According to SCDF, the purpose of the PWS is to warn the country of attacks from the air, land or sea, as well as natural and other man-made disasters.

There are three types of signals: the “Alarm” signal, the “All Clear” signal, and the “Important Message” Signal. You may listen to them here.

The “Alarm” signal is sounded when an air raid or shelling is imminent, and warns civilians to move to a shelter immediately.

The “All Clear” signal is sounded when the threat is over, and alerts civilians that they can leave the shelter.

The “Important Message” signal is sounded to alert the population to an important broadcast on the radio. Upon hearing this signal, one should immediately tune in to any local FM radio station or TV channel.

The SCDF recommends the public to memorise all the signals and their meanings, so that they are aware of their next course of action when disaster strikes.