S’pore Flyer Suspends Operations After a Technical Issue Was Found

For those looking to use your SingapoRediscover vouchers at the Singapore Flyer: you might need to find another attraction.

Operations at the Singapore Flyer have been suspended after the detection of a technical issue.

Safety is the Utmost Priority

Straco Leisure, the attraction’s operator, said that a technical issue was detected during a routine maintenance inspection. No details about the issue were given.

They stated that they’re working closely with the Building and Construction Authority (BCA) to conduct all required investigations, repairs and rectification work. A specialist professional engineer is also involved in the rectification.

All flights will be suspended till all works and safety tests are completed. All regulations and processes will be aligned with the BCA’s regulations.

However, despite the Flyer’s closure, Time Capsule, as well as shops and restaurants at the Singapore Flyer’s terminal building remain open. Time Capsule is an attraction based on the “Singapore Story”.

Affected Visitors: How To Reschedule?

Affected visitors can visit the Singapore Flyer’s website to register for a rescheduling of their trip.

Those who used SingapoRediscovers Vouchers or third-party booking platforms can contact their booking agent directly.

Although there has been a marked decrease in the number of tourists due to the pandemic, the Singapore Flyer still remains popular.

The bird’s eye view of Singapore makes it one of the top attractions for Singaporeans to use their SingapoRediscovers vouchers!

Not to mention, it is an iconic place for wedding photoshoots as well. (The wedding photoshoots can probably still continue though, as long as you’re willing to stay on the ground.)

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Not The First Time Flyer Operations Have Been Suspended

The last time the Singapore Flyer suspended operations was in November 2019, where it remained suspended for four months till March 2020. It was suspended due to issues with the structural integrity of the wheel.

A technical issue had affected a small section of the outer layer of one of the spoke cables, but even a “small section” required a long time to repair. Understandable, given how big the Flyer really is.

For the previous suspension of operations, the Flyer’s operator did not give any details about the “technical issue” till after the Flyer reopened. Given this, we shouldn’t expect to get more details anytime soon!

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Featured Image: Pavel Ilyukhin / Shutterstock.com