S.H.E’s Selina Confirms That She’s Finally Dating Again 6 Years After her Divorce

Selina Jen from Taiwanese girl group S.H.E. has posted on social media, confirming that she’s finally dating after her divorce.

If you’re as kaypoh as I am, I’ve got your back.

Here are all the details about her new relationship.

Spotted With A Bespectacled Man 

Selina became popular in 2001 with her girl group members Ella Chen and Hebe Tien. She married lawyer Richard Chang in 2011, but divorced him in 2016.

Ever since her divorce, her love life has been in the limelight. Selina told the media late last year that a man seven years younger than her was chasing her.

Photos from the Chinese media showed a bespectacled man shopping with her at a supermarket near their hotel. Other pictures showed them collecting their polymerase chain reaction test results at a hospital. The pictures all show Selina to be happily chatting with him.

If that doesn’t sound cute and domestic enough for you, Selina was also seen holding his hand and leaning on him before they left in a taxi. Aww. 

Image: Youku

Poetic Weibo Post Confirms Dating News, Six Years After Divorce

Selina posted on her Weibo yesterday (3 March), confirming that she is, indeed, dating the mystery guy.

Image: Weibo

She likened herself, a 40-year-old woman, to a flower, and said that her romance is blooming.

She ended her post by saying, just like how flowers bloom in spring’s warmth, her spring has arrived.

Fellow S.H.E. member Ella Chen congratulated Selina for her new romance, saying that Selina must be so happy now that spring has come for her.

Speculations, But Selina Won’t Confirm Anything

Apple Daily has speculated that the couple returned to Taiwan, and are serving their quarantine now.

Taiwanese publication Liberty Times says that Selina’s boyfriend is a businessman with the surname Syu.

Many people have also linked Selina’s admission that there’s someone chasing her last year to this mystery guy.

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However, Selina’s manager will not confirm any details. He said that Selina wishes to protect her boyfriend as he’s not from the entertainment circle and that the couple will not reveal any details.

So if you were wondering how long they’ve been dating, or if the guy is really a businessman…you’ll have to keep wondering.

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Featured Image: Weibo and Youku