Singapore Gun Crime: Exploring Four Rare Cases

While gun crime is a rarity in Singapore, it’s not entirely non-existent.

Here, we will explore four intriguing incidents of gun crime in Singapore, showcasing the potential severity and rarity of such offences.

An Unfortunate Air Rifle Case

In April 2013, a retired individual, Lee Chee Kum, was given a six-week jail term after he accidentally shot his neighbour with an air rifle back in 2012.

Kum’s fondness for air guns led to a hefty fine of $5,000 for possessing illegal weapons, underscoring the rarity of a gun in Singapore.

In 2014, he was once again slapped with a two-week jail term after he was caught smuggling air rifles into Singapore.

A Nightclub Owner’s Tragic Demise

The year 2006 saw a tragic incident when Tan Chor Jin, also known as the “One-Eyed Dragon,” fatally shot nightclub owner Lim Hock Soon.

Armed with a knife and a loaded pistol, Tan invaded Lim’s home.

After forcing Lim to restrain his family and housemaid, he fired six shots, five of which found their target.

Tan was later executed at Changi Prison on 9 February 2009.

Rifle Robbery: A Startling Case

A particularly notable rifle case occurred in May 2012.

Mohammad Ridzuan Jamari audaciously attempted to rob an NSF’s assault rifle with just a 20-cm screwdriver.

Fortunately, onlookers managed to capture him, and the rifle remained on the premises.

The audacious act led to Jamari serving a jail term of 5 years and 3 months, along with receiving 3 strokes of the cane.

Averted Bank Robbery Involving an Air Pistol in Singapore

Ng Shi Qiang’s plan to rob a POSB outlet in Yishun in October 2013 ranks as a unique case in the annals of Singapore gun crime.

However, Ng abandoned his original plan due to fear, choosing to hide the air pistol he had brought in a dry riser unit at the closest HDB block.

When he returned to retrieve the weapon two days later, he discovered that it was gone.

As it turns out, a resident had found the Singapore gun and reported it to the police. Ng was ultimately convicted and sentenced to a 5-year and 9-month prison term, along with 6 strokes of the cane.

While incidents involving real guns in Singapore are far and few between, these cases serve as a reminder that, although uncommon, gun crimes do occasionally occur.