Soh Rui Yong Has Been Accepted to UK Law School At The Age of 30

Many different words spring to mind when you see the name Soh Rui Yong.

These include:

  • fast runner
  • 2.4km record holder
  • prolific quoter of celebrity athletes
  • lover of ramen

But you may soon see Soh in a completely different light; not barechested running across red synthetic rubber, but in a suit in a courtroom proclaiming “I object!”.

Soh Rui Yong Has Been Accepted to UK Law School At The Age of 30

Yes, it seems that the two-time SEA Games champion has been accepted to law school at the age of 30.

Soh made the announcement in a Facebook post yesterday.

According to the post, Soh had applied to University College London (UCL) as the pandemic was “bringing life to a grinding halt.”

“I was interested in studying law back in my Raffles JC days, but seniors in National University of Singapore (NUS) Law told me that if I wanted to do well in sports, NUS Law probably wasn’t a good fit (lots of work and little sleep, apparently),” he wrote.

Considering that it had been five years since he last took classes and was approaching 30, Soh didn’t think he’d get accepted into the top law school.

But he did.

In his application, Soh included an impassioned personal statement about “how law can and should be a pillar of justice in society, but is sometimes abused by the rich and powerful to bend the less privileged to their will.”

A few months later, like a bolt from the blue, Soh received this letter:

Image: Facebook (Soh Rui Yong)

While he was certainly pleased with the result, Soh said he took some time to mull things over.

“It was a pleasant surprise, but I didn’t really know what to do. Was I really going to go back to school, at the age of 30? Did I really think I could keep up with those 19 year olds fresh out of high school? This is a top course of study at a top university and is never going to be easy. Did I really want this?”, he wrote.

“I thought about it for a long time over many miles of running. At the end of the day, I decided to chase the dream.” The athlete said he also took inspiration from lawyers such as Eugene Thuraisingam LLP and his team.

Soh also took the opportunity to encourage the public to follow their dreams, saying it’s never too late to chase them down.

“I’m excited for the future,” he said.

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Featured Image: Facebook (Soh Rui Yong)