Soon, You Will Have To Get A License Plate For Your E-Bike. Here’s Are The Facts.

Soon, in 2017, laws will be put in place for all e-bikes to get a license plate. Senior Minister of State for Transport Josephine Teo said that this is to further prevent fatal e-bike accidents (ya orbi good) and to clamp down on those who illegally modify their e-bike devices – to achieve higher speeds on the roads. 

I’m not sure about you, but this is certainly good news. There will also be new rules in place for cyclists and Personal Mobility Devices (PMD) users (this one lagi orbi good).

However, according to The Straits Times, the use of bicycles and PMDs will now be legal on footpaths, cycling paths and shared paths. Whereas e-bikes will only be allowed on roads, cycling and shared paths.

There will also be new rules in place for PMD users. Users who do not stop to help victims in an accident could be fined up to $3,000, jailed for up to a year. Sellers of non-compliant PMDs could be fined up to $5,000, jailed for up to three months, or both.

These efforts were all put in place to further emphasize on the importance of road safety and the conscious use of the public path. The government will also continue building and growing on cycling paths so as to make travelling in Singapore much safer. 

So what happens to bicycle riders that cause accidents and get away scot-free? There have also been countless of unreported accidents that happened last year where bicycles ran pedestrians over and did not have to face any penalties as there were no way to identify them. Does that make it fair for pedestrians then? 

Granted, these are just the few black sheeps but law enforcement should still be in place for these riders who try to flout the rules all the time.

This article was first published on

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