SAF Camps Have Parking Fees, Too: 8 Topics S’poreans Are Talking About Today (27 Mar)

So, yesterday, Grab bought over Uber’s Southeast Asia’s operations and the world changed: Uber drivers panicked, commuters gave up on promo codes and Uber office was vacated like some Hong Kong drama.

But hey, it’s not the only thing that Singaporeans are talking about (though admittedly it’s one that many of us KPKB about).

Here’re the topics that we kaypoh about today (well, three of them are about the Grab-Uber issue, but anyways).

Singapore Army Camps Have Parking Fees as Well & More Are Coming

Oh, wait. Say WHAT?!

It turns out that currently, there are 10 army camps in Singapore that impose parking fees to their perm staff. To be honest, I wasn’t aware of that at all: I didn’t have the luxury to drive during my NSF days and in my ICT camps (or even SAF FCCs), the fee is just a smile to the guard and a show of my pink IC (ah, that feels~).

According to Today Online, come 1 April 2018, six more camps would impose parking fees. The prices nor locations aren’t disclosed, but the good news is that it would only be for prem staff and contractors: us NSmen won’t be affected.

Of course, perm staff includes NSFs, but they can afford a car and stay out, I think the parking fee would just be the price of their change when they dine in a fine-dining restaurant #justsaying

This news come after people complained about having to pay for paying in government schools.

Want to know how much it cost to have a car in Singapore? Here, take a look at this video.

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Taobao Selling SAF Admin T-shirt Clones & They Look Super Real

Since we’re on the topic of SAF, here’s something that everyone who has been though NS in SAF would remember:

Image: Carousell

This super comfy T-shirt is for servicemen to wear when they’re in the bunk lepak-ing, or doing admin work. There’s just something inexplicable about this T-shirt that makes it one of the best T-shirts to wear at home.

But like what they say, you can find anything in Taobao.

Even this.


But of course, the logo is different:


It’s simply an image of a tiger.

At about SGD$6 before delivery, it’s more expensive than the ones that are sold in e-marts. I just checked online and it’s mere $4.25 if you buy it online, and $4.67 if you buy it in e-mart stores.

And if I remember correctly, we can even use our credit to purchase it (i.e. free stuff lah).

So, for the first time in history, a Taobao clone is way more expensive than the original. Powderful lah.

Uber-Grab Merger Triggers S’pore Watchdog, Says They’re Not Informed

If you’re a loyal Uber employee or driver, you’re probably having a bad day.

Image: Town of Salem Wiki – Fandom

Because the company you’re working for suddenly stopped operation. And allegedly asked you to leave the building by 4 pm when you come to work in the morning.

On 26 Mar, Grab and Uber officially announced that Uber will be selling its Southeast Asia assets to Grab.

And while Singaporeans all around the island are crying, Singapore’s very own competition watchdog, the Competition Commission of Singapore (CCS), got triggered instead.


A spokesperson for CCS said that neither Uber nor Grab has written an official notification to CCS about the merger.

They’re now asking for clarification from Grab and Uber.

They added that Singapore’s competition law “does not allow mergers that result in a substantial lessening of competition in Singapore.”

In other words, no monopoly.

If they judge the merger to have such consequences, they have the power to stop or change the merger.

LTA is also on the bandwagon, saying that they are monitoring the situation to safeguard against monopoly.

The general reaction of everyday Singaporeans probably be like

Image: Channel News Asia Facebook Page

But to be fair, 26 Mar 2018 was the first time both companies officially announced the merger. What you’ve heard before were from “sources familiar with the deal“.

Oh well. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Okay, enough with the depressing news. Let’s hear something more heartwarming.

Something that’ll make you go…


Heartwarming Scene of Foreign Workers Directing Traffic in S’pore Road After Accident Goes Viral

What happens when you see a traffic accident?


But not these foreign workers.


On 24 Mar, an accident involving a motorcycle and car happened along Ang Mo Kio Ave 4 towards Yio Chu Kang Road at about 11 pm.

Facebook user, Ms Justina Tan, caught sight of a beautiful scene.

A bunch of foreign workers from a nearby construction site rushed over to the accident scene and set up traffic cones.

They also had lightsticks which they used to direct vehicles along the road.

Feeling so touched you realised that you need to be better human beings towards these folks?

How about hosting them to a warm meal at your home?


Grab Denies Accusation Of Getting Uber Employees To Leave Within 2 Hours

Said they’ll hire all 500+ Uber employees.


Here’s what allegedly happened.

Grab buy Uber. Uber staff comes to work on Monday morning. Told to pack up and evacuate the building within 2 hours.

They were also allegedly told that they’re free to go find other jobs.

It was claimed that there was no mention of compensation packages, and no one from Grab contacted them.

Image: Giphy

Well, Grab has come forward to clarify that they’re not firing the Uber employees.

Instead, they’ll be on paid leave instead until Grab is able to find permanent positions for them within the organisation.

The reason they didn’t contact the Uber employees? They don’t have “the email addresses of Uber employees” yet.

That works.

There’s one solution, though: why not just go to the office and contact them? (maybe they couldn’t get a Uber ride, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA).

Unfortunately, drivers who are banned from Grab are still left in limbo, as they would usually jump ship to Uber once they’re banned.

Yole Looking for People to Test Their Frozen Yogurt

You know what they say: if you want to work in a job that makes everyone happy, go sell ice-cream.

Well, Yole took it one step further: they’re offering a “job” to people, and it involves just one task: tasting their frozen yogurt.

Okay, it might not be a job that pays the bill, but getting free frozen yogurt right at your doorstep?

That’s heaven for some.

You can apply to be a taster here.

Popular Shake Shack Burger Chain Rumour to be Coming to Singapore

You know what they said: there’s no smoke without fire.

Yesterday, foodies all over Singapore went apeshit over a rumour: famous New York burger chain, Shake Shack, is rumoured to be opening in the upcoming Jewel Changi Airport. 8days contacted people with the sources and well, let’s just say that none of them has denied.

The fast-growing burger chain has taken the world by storm: first opened in 2001, it got listed in 2014 and now has over 170 outlets worldwide.

We now have one more reason to visit Changi Airport in 2019.

Reports of Facebook Collecting Call & SMS Histories to Sell is Fake

It’s not a good time to be working in Facebook now, when they’re grilled both by world governments and their users.

Before recovering from their recent privacy issue, one just came again: people downloaded their Facebook data and were shocked to see call history data in their logs.

Facebook has now released a statement: it’s an opt-in feature, so unless you opt-in, that data won’t be saved.

Facebook statement stated, “Call and text history logging is part of an opt-in feature for people using Messenger. While we receive certain permissions from Android, uploading this information has always been opt-in only.

“People have to expressly agree to use this feature.”

So, yeah. Unless you’ve opted in, this data won’t be saved.

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Featured Image: Phuong D. Nguyen /