M’sian Who Works in S’pore Claims Cai Png is Cheaper in S’pore Than M’sia

Every Singaporean loves shopping trips in Malaysia despite the traffic jams.

Due to the SGD$1 to RM3 conversion rate, goods are cheaper further north, so it burns our wallets less to shop till we drop there.

However, when one Malaysian man claims that economy rice in Singapore is cheaper than Johor Bahru (JB), Malaysia, it sparks a bit of a discussion online, according to China Press.

The Price of Cai Png

Apparently, food has also become more expensive in Malaysia, to the extent where getting a simple meal in JB can now cost upwards of RM12 (S$3.55).

According to the Malaysian man, he wrote in a Facebook post that he had to pay S$2.70 (RM11) for a plate of rice with tofu and meat, and he even attached an image of his cai png (mixed vegetable rice).

Image: johor.chinapress.com.my

Out of curiosity, he asked if there was anyone like him, who would eat in Singapore before returning to JB.

After he published his post, a few commenters said that the Malaysian received a bigger portion and it looked rather filling, so it’s true that it is cheaper than JB, for his example at least.

What a time to be alive; food is actually cheaper in Singapore than JB.

Other netizens pointed out that if they purchased the same meal in JB, it would cost at least RM12 (S$3.55).

Between $2.70 and $3.55, that’s a 30% price difference.

Where did this Malaysian find a stall that sells $2.70 cai png though? I’m asking for a friend.

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One commenter also shared their cai png that has two vegetable dishes and one meat from Singapore, stating that it cost S$3.40 (RM10.96).

Image: facebook.com

Another netizen said that their cai png with four vegetable dishes—and notably, their takeaway box is filled to the brim—costed them RM13 (S$3.84).

Image: facebook.com

Others pointed out that the cheap prices listed by other netizens was dependent on location too: if it was the industrial area, of course it’s priced cheaply; but if it was the business district, pigs would sooner fly than stores offering such cheap prices.

But it should be noted that under the NTUC Rice Garden Programme, subsided cai png with two vegetable and one meat dish can cost $1.50 or $1.80 for Comcare Card Holders, while the Pioneer, Merdeka and Senior generation and NTUC Union members only have to pay $2 to $2.50.

So yes, cheap cai png does exist in Singapore.

On the other side of the spectrum, there were also a few people who mocked their fellow Malaysian for not knowing the good and cheap places in JB, where meals are much more affordable.

In any case, it seems that things are getting more expensive everywhere.


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Featured Image: China Press & Facebook