Durian Stall Removed FB Post That Accused Man of Stealing Durians But It Was Actually a Misunderstanding

A rather prickly situation was brewing when a durian stall made a Facebook post calling for a supposed durian thief to turn himself in.

However, this incident was not what it initially seemed

While the durian stall thought they cracked the case behind the “thief”, it turns out the man was not a culprit but an unlucky victim of a misunderstanding. 

Famous Durian Shared Images of Man Carrying Away Two Boxes of Durians & Planned to File Police Report

On 12 July 2023, Yishun durian stall Famous Durian made a somewhat menacing Facebook Post that sounds reminiscent of Liam Neeson’s “I will look for you, I will find you” monologue.

Attached to the post was CCTV footage of a man in a dark-coloured jacket, carrying two plastic bags full of boxes containing durians.

Image: Facebook

The post urged the man identified in the image to own up to stealing the boxes of durians by the deadline at 10am on 12 July, lest a police report be filed against him. 

Another Facebook post backed up Famous Durian’s claim, stating that there was video evidence of the theft that took place. 

Five minutes after the stipulated timeline, the owner of the durian stall released yet another post, confirming that they would go ahead with making the police report the next day. 

“Culprit” Turned Out to Be A Lalamove Delivery Man Whose Services Were Cancelled

It turns out that the “thief” in question turned out to be a delivery man employed by the delivery company Lalamove.

In an interview with 8Worldnews, the owner shared that Famous Durian had their own personal delivery man, but the stall had to engage the services of Lalamove since the particular delivery was to be made to two separate locations.

However, the Lalamove delivery rider did not arrive after more than 30 minutes, the stall cancelled their initial request and hired a second deliveryman instead, 

When the individual in the CCTV footage approached the stall, he identified himself as the person delivering their order.

Not questioning him any further, the staff of the stall handed over eight boxes of Musang King durians worth S$368.

This individual was apparently the first deliveryman whose service was cancelled.

A second deliveryman then arrived, which led them to realise that something was amiss. The customer also contacted the store an hour later, revealing that he had not received the durians.

This led to the owner’s conclusion that the individual in the CCTV footage had the intention to steal the expensive durians. 

That was not the case, however, as the poor delivery man had wanted to deliver the durians, but could not retrieve the address after the stall cancelled the order. 

It’s unknown why he hadn’t gone back to the durian stall.

Durian Stall Has Since Been Compensated By Lalamove. Famous Durians Has Also Agreed To Take Down Facebook Post

Further investigation by Lalamove reveals that the delivery man tried to contact customer service with little success, and decided to safekeep the durians in his house.

Unfortunately, the durians were no longer safe to be consumed a day after safekeeping them, so they had to be thrown away.

Lalamove has since compensated the full amount of the durians and delivery fee, with Famous Durians agreeing to take down the Facebook posts they made of the incident.

But of all the question we all have is…

Durians can’t be stored for more than a day?

Image: SakSa / Shutterstock.com