Man Caught on Camera Cutting & Stealing Leaves from Potted Plant Several Outside HDB Flats


Hey, reader, want to know something useful and could help you not get arrested?

Damaging someone’s property is a crime.

Image: Tenor

In all seriousness, I know that Circuit Breaker is driving some of us insane and we want to look for things to do.

But please, don’t ever do something as dumb as vandalising someone else’s stuff.

Unless you want to be on the news then hey, up to you. We’re running out of things to write anyway.

Man Cut Neighbour’s Plants

Seriously, why would he ever?

According to Stomp, on 17 May, a man was caught on video cutting leaves from a potted pandan plant and walking away with them at Block 655B Jurong West Street 61.

The police are currently investigating the incident.

In fact, the Stomper claimed that this wasn’t the first time it had happened.

He decided to install CCTV cameras and lo and behold, there really was someone going around nabbing pandan leaves.

The Stomper expressed that it wasn’t just his family but some of his neighbours had their plants stolen and damaged too.

He adds that his grandmother had been growing those plants for years and would be upset to see her hard work get destroyed, especially during this period whereby we’ve nothing else to do but to look at our plants daily.

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If you’re wondering “why not just keep the plants inside,” then look at how big all those plants are.

Those must’ve taken ages to grow.

Even on Facebook, the post has gone viral. As of this writing, it has garnered 638 reactions, 224 comments and has been shared 599 times.

Cutting-Edge Comments

Naturally, many people were outraged over this and the comments went up in flames.

Image: Facebook

Probably the main reason why the investigation won’t be long unless someone was hardworking enough to this.

And by hardworking, I mean absolutely insane and has too much free time.

Image: Facebook 

To add onto this, it’s the same logic when shopping outside.

There’s tons of stuff on display but that doesn’t mean you have the right to take any of them.

And in this case, you’re also damaging property, good sir.


A few people even said that if the thief really wanted pandan leaves, he could’ve at least asked the owners first instead of snipping them off.

Not like they’ll ever let him anymore but still.

Image: Facebook

And then there was those who just went straight savage on the thief, wishing him the worst.

Image: Facebook

Yep, small agree with this one. At the very least, he’s going to get arrested anyway.

We can only hope he gets caught soon, especially if he’s been doing this to others in the block too.

By the way, other than cooking the pandan leaves, people also often place them in vehicles to keep insects out.
