Student in SIM Campus is 1 of the COVID-19 Confirmed Cases; School Has Responded

So you thought that in yesterday’s COVID-19 announcement, only one school, the MY World Preschool, is affected.

Unfortunately, that’s not the case, because a part-time student in SUSS (previously known as UniSIM) is also one of the infected.

Lest you’re not aware, SUSS shares the same campus as Singapore Institute of Management (SIM), which comprises many distance-learning students.

Here’s what happened.

Student in SIM Campus 1 of the COVID-19 Confirmed Cases

Yesterday, SIM was notified about a part-time SUSS student who was tested positive for COVID-19.

He is Case 214, a 29-year-old Singaporean who is linked to Case 208, whose source of infection is unknown so far.

The student had his first symptoms on 5 March 2020, and had visited a GP on 6 March and 8 March. He was eventually isolated in NCID on 14 March, and was tested positive that afternoon.

He is a SUSS Social Work student and was last in school on 12 March 2020 (last Thursday), and had not mingled around; he had then gone direct to his classroom and left the school after the lesson.

In other words, a typical part-time student who doesn’t have the time to hang out with classmates lah.

SUSS is now working with the authorities to do contact tracing of his close contacts.

In addition, SIM has undertaken deep cleaning and disinfecting of areas he spent time in.

Lest you’re not aware, over in the campus, everyone has to have their temperature taken—anyone with a fever would not be able to attend any class.

To add on, experts have mentioned that a place that once has a COVID-19 case would be the cleanest place ever, since additional disinfection would have been made in the premises. So if you’re a student who goes to SIM, do feel free to attend any classes you have.

The School’s Response

SUSS has also responded with a message from SUSS Registrar Agnes Kwang here:

One of our part-time Social Work students was tested positive for COVID-19 on 14 March 2020. The student reported onset of symptoms on 5 March 2020, and has no recent travel history to affected countries and regions. He is linked to a case outside of SUSS and was last on campus on the evening of 12 March 2020. He went straight to his classroom and left campus after the lesson.

The student is now under the care of doctors at NCID and is coping well.

Care officers from our Student Support office and our Counselling and Care Centre (C3) have been activated to provide all the necessary support for our student and family.

We are working closely with the relevant authorities and have begun Contact Tracing those who had close contact with the affected student. All those in close contact have already been put on Leave of Absence and some may be put on quarantine later on. Disinfection of the areas in which the affected student spent time has already been completed.

Your safety in our campus is of utmost importance to us. Other important precautionary measures remain in force on campus:

  • Temperature taking
  • Travel declarations
  • Increased frequency of cleaning of campus facilities (up to four times daily)

I urge all of us to stay vigilant and continue to play our part in keeping our campus safe. Please comply with all stated precautionary measures and give your full co-operation.

Continue to practise good personal hygiene, and look out for each other.

Refrain from posting inaccurate information on social media. If you have additional enquiries, please channel these to Student Support email: [email protected] or tel: 62489111.

We have also implemented most of our programmes online to minimise any disruption in your learning. Please continue to make full use of these resources.

You have our commitment that we will do our utmost to continue to keep our campus safe. Our faculty members and staff from Student Support have also been briefed and will be on hand to respond to any additional clarifications that you might have.

Thank you for all your support and cooperation. Let’s continue to rally behind our entire SUSS community, stay resilient and overcome this challenging time together.

In other words, life still goes on.

After all, remember: after a case of a RI student was reported, only his direct family members and close contacts were infected, and not fellow students.

So don’t take this as an opportunity to skip class.