Thai Man Wore So Many Rings They Cut Off His Circulation; Ends Up Having To Amputate Fingers Away

Last Updated on 2020-03-15 , 11:49 pm

Rings are often used as a symbolism for devotion, fidelity and eternity. Especially in engagements and weddings, it is the denotation of love.

Rings (well, more of diamonds) are known to be a girl’s best friend.

Rings can be worn between friends as friendship rings too.

Rings are goody.

Rings are pretty harmless things that beautifies your finger and accessorises your outfit.

Pretty harmless, until you start wearing too many of it around your finger. By many, I don’t mean two or three on the same finger.

Picture twelve rings on one finger.

Yeah, that many.

Man Had Dozens Of Rings On His Fingers

According to a viral post on Facebook, a middle-aged man from Thailand is seen with swollen hands and multiple rings and rubber bands on all of his fingers.

Image: Facebook (ฝันดี – ฝันเด่น ใจถึงใจคนไทยไม่ทิ้งกัน)

China Press stated that the man had been wearing these rings on his fingers for many years. This resulted in a lack of blood circulation in his fingers.

Okay folks, brace yourselves for some graphic images thrown your way because things are going to get real nasty.


Image: Facebook (ฝันดี – ฝันเด่น ใจถึงใจคนไทยไม่ทิ้งกัน)

I tried to warn you.

Image: Facebook (ฝันดี – ฝันเด่น ใจถึงใจคนไทยไม่ทิ้งกัน)

The lack of blood circulation in his fingers turned them swollen and purple, which eventually led to necrosis – the death of most, or all of the cells, in an organ or tissue due to disease, injury, or failure of blood supply.

I don’t know about you, but my fingers are curling up in pain already.

Swollen fingers meant that the man was unable to work. However, he still did not seek help until someone called a charity organisation to send him to the hospital.

Image: Facebook (ฝันดี – ฝันเด่น ใจถึงใจคนไทยไม่ทิ้งกัน)

To save his fingers, rescuers had to saw open the metal and plastic rings that were squeezing his fingers, like mad.

Unfortunately, while most of his fingers were freed, some had to be amputated. Oh dear. Just save yourself the agony and scroll past this picture below.

Image: Facebook

In the end, all the rings were removed and his remaining fingers were saved just in time.

Image: Facebook
Image: Facebook

It is crazy just how many rings he had worn for that many years. Does he not feel any pain? Well, I just hope that he can still count on his fingers.

It’s unknown why he’s worn so many rings, because in Singapore, it seems like guys only like these rings:
