The end of the year is coming and you’re looking forward to a fun-filled vacation. After all, isn’t that why we’re all working so hard for?
But before you can enjoy that holiday you truly deserve, you have to get through something troublesome first.
Planning for it.
Unless you have a poor schmuck you can throw all the planning to, you’re probably busy juggling your work, researching and trying to book everything you’ll need.
In other words…

A WiFi Hack
Last week, we gave you a hack on how you can get unlimited data coverage over several different countries for cheap.
If you’ve missed it, you might want to read it here.
But guess what? We’re nothing, if not thorough, and finding coverage is a small (but major) part of planning your holidays.
Ready-To-Travel, a Concierge In Your Pocket
Yes, they’re the same guys behind ReadyWIFI.
If you haven’t known, the Ready-to-Travel service is by SATS, a pretty big player in the Singapore airline industry.
And let’s be honest, if they’re only doing overseas WiFi, that’d be disappointing, no? The ReadyWIFI service is only a small part of what they’re truly offering to travellers.
And here’s the entire philosophy behind the Ready-To-Travel service.
You love going overseas, but not everyone enjoys the preparation process beforehand.
Simply because it can be troublesome and confusing to people.
Where do I start? Do I need a visa, how can I get coverage there, what if my flight details changed and I didn’t know? Etc, etc.
And so, the Ready-To-Travel app is born.
No more trying to reach out to seven different places to get your stuff together. I mean, we’re only born with two hands, after all.
Just one single place that’ll let you travel in peace.
And that’s what this app is all about.
Using predictive advisory, the app provides useful advice on services and real-time recommendations.
For example, when you enter your destination into the itinerary on the RTT app:
It automatically tells you what’s going on in Taiwan right now.
As well as other information you might find useful.
And the best part? The itinerary is sharable.
Yup, just like Facebook, you can share the itinerary with your friends, and even let them post their own updates on it as well.
In other words, you don’t have to constantly share updates through a WhatsApp Group Chat.
Instead, all you got to do is to add these people (with their own RTT accounts) to the itinerary. And they can see, in real time, what’s going on, what’s left undone and details about the trip.
Think of it like Facebook, except it’s more fun because, well, it’s for a vacation.
Plus, it makes it harder for them to fly aeroplane because who wouldn’t feel guilty after seeing all the hard work you’ve put into it.
They also offer essential airport services like ReadyLounge
Think atas and exclusive lounge at the airport where you can relax while waiting for departure at an affordable price instead of an expensive membership.
You know what people say? A picture speaks a thousand words, and a video, a thousand times more.
And Travel Insurance Too
With all the flight delays, airline luggage mishandling and people who farted and caused an emergency landing, you’d know that travel insurance is now, more than ever, super important.
What happens if your flight got delayed and you incurred extra cost trying to get back to Singapore. Or if your trip gets cancelled and you’ve paid for almost everything?
With travel insurance, you can at least guarantee a limited amount of loss.
With ReadyToInsure, getting travel insurance for you and your loved ones is as convenient as it can be.
You Can Even Breeze Through The Airport With ReadyConcierge
Always wanted to arrive like a VIP at airports? Now you can do so with Ready-To-Travel’s ReadyConcierge services where you can enjoy personalised greetings, assistance at Immigration, Customs and Baggage Claims and buggy services to ferry you from point to point.
So There You Go
Not only do you get essential services right at your fingertips, the app is free to download on both iOS and Android.
If you’re looking to plan for your next trip out of Singapore, you might want to check out Ready-To-Travel mobile app or find out more on their website
Because no matter whether you’re using their services or not, it’s a good app to just get all the necessary work done before you go wild on your holiday.
Without worries.
This article was first published on and written in collaboration with Ready To Travel By SATS.