There’s a Real Maggi Mee Bag & It Costs More Than SGD$300

Last Updated on 2018-09-16 , 2:30 pm

Last year, when this bag was sold in Singapore, everyone went apeshit over it.


It’s, after all, not just a bag: it’s a statement. It’s a statement to everyone that you’re a true-blue Singaporean and that you absolutely love your country’s culture.

Designed by local designer WHENIWASFOUR,  it’s sold at a reasonable $19.90 (I’ll buy it even if it’s at $190.90…if I had $190,90, that is).

It comes with a straw, so you can pretend to drink it when you see someone you don’t want to greet.

If you’re someone who thinks that every Hui Ling, Chew Ling or Yi Ling is carrying the usual LV bag, then you’ll have dug this bag.

But wait till you see what’s being sold elsewhere.

We all love instant noodles as much as we love air-conditioners: they’re our saviours when we realize that our wallets decided to break up with us in the middle of the night and we need something in our stomach.

Of course, we all know how unhealthy it is. Just take a look at this video we’ve done and you’ll “see” the health issues, especially for the ladies:

Despite that, our love for instant noodles is still as strong as the relationship between Laurel and Yanny.

What other way to portray your love for instant noodles other than this?

Image: YouTube (ROMMY DEBOMMY)

Lest you think it’s a concept, you’re wrong.

Image: (rommydebommy)

It’s a real bag that’s manufactured and sold in Etsy (a popular e-commerce website like Qoo10 or Shopee that focuses on unique handmade products).

Just so you know, it’s not a product that’s listed there and receive no sales: as of now, there are well over 161 reviews. Quick maths would show that it’s selling as well as the pasar malan bag in your room that has been overused for years.

And heck, it’s so popular, when I check it, there’s only one left in Esty.

But no worries, you can still get it from the designer’s website.

Shipped from The Netherlands (Holland), the country that somehow didn’t make it to World Cup 2018, the bag costs SGD$301.40 in Esty.

I see.

Wait, what?!

In additional to that, there’s a SGD$39.59 shipping fee before you can have this lit bag in your possession.

Another quick maths shows that it’ll be a total of $340.99, which is almost 17 times the price of a Kopi Dabao Bag.

(Article continues below) Xing Xing is a 34-year-old Singaporean lady who decides to meet up with an online friend she found in Facebook. But it turns out that he’s not what he seems to be: Prepare boxes of tissue and watch the saddest Singapore Facebook love story here:

(Since you’re here, subscribe to our YouTube Channel for more informative videos lah)

While you can get a Coach bag for that price, here’s our defence for this unique bag: it’s completely handmade, made of hard foam and is super X3 lightweight.

(Okay I got these info from Etsy website, but it’s still my argument)

This promotional video would convince you start eating Maggi Mee for a month so that you can get this Maggi Mee bag:

And the designer isn’t just any designer. She has many other unique items, like this fries necklaces that’s cheaper at $65.17…

Image: (rommydebommy)

…this fish burger bag that looks so familiar…

Image: (rommydebommy)

…and even this ice-cream cone bag.

Image: (rommydebommy)

You can get all of them from Esty, though if I were you, I’ll just spend my life savings on the Maggie Mee bag.

Pair it with the Kopi Dabao Bag and your middle name would be “Singapore” #justsaying

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