There’s a new KFC Double Down, But It’s Not What You Think It Is

On August 14, KFC Singapore released a teaser of what was to come.

Image: KFC Facebook Page
Image: KFC Facebook Page

Many thought that it was the beloved Double Down, a vicious burger with two zinger patties forming the buns, bacon and cheese.


Sinful yet unforgettably delicious, the monster burger took over a huge part of Singapore back when it was released, and converted them to followers.

You can understand why some would be especially hyped about it.

Image: KFC Singapore Facebook Page
Image: KFC Singapore Facebook Page

Confession: this writer has sinned before too, and is totally willing to sink into the depths of hell again for it.

But it wasn’t what we were all expecting.

Just five hours ago, KFC finally disclosed the identity of the highly-anticipated masked burger, but it wasn’t what we were expecting.

Oh, not even close.

In fact, were it not August right now, I would have legitimately thought that it was a late bloomer trying to crack an April Fool’s joke.

Perhaps we should have known. Look at the teaser post again.

Image: KFC Singapore Facebook Page

Yeah, the NEW version of an all-time favourite.

It’s a Double Steamed Chicken burger

A new way to enjoy an all-time favourite: two steamed chicken fillets, filled with sauerkraut coleslaw, spicy pickled cucumber and sambal honey sauce! Keep an eye out for it…

Posted by KFC on Tuesday, 15 August 2017



Yeah, that’s probably the face we all pulled, except for the health-conscious nuts (I’m kind of one myself, but that’s not the point).

Anyway, the unveiling of the burger has touched the nerve of some, and I can’t say I blame them.

Image: KFC Singapore Facebook Page
Image: KFC Singapore Facebook Page

While there were some that looked on the brighter side of life.

Image: KFC Facebook Page
Image: KFC Singapore Facebook Page

But then again, KFC seems to love trolling people this year

All is not lost, there’s always a chance, right?

Or, if they really decided to hop onto the health crazy bandwagon, we can all go to Burger King already. #KFCPleaseDontDoThisToUs

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Feature Image: KFC Facebook Page

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