There’s a New Private-Hire Firm in S’pore Other Than Grab & Uber

Last Updated on 2017-06-21 , 6:55 pm

Recently, you might have noticed that the number of private-hire cars in Singapore has spiked as you see more of these decals.


From 1 July 2017 onwards, it’s mandatory for private-hire cars to clearly indicate that they’re private-hire cars with the decals—so it’s not that you’re seeing more of them. The cars are just being more obvious now.

But it seems like the market isn’t just about Grab and Uber.

According to The Straits Times, there’s a new private-hire car firm in Singapore. Called SixTNC, it was launched just two days ago (18 June 2017), and there’re already allegedly 100 drivers with them.

The managing director of the firm claims that it’s possible for drivers to earn $100,000 a year just by driving eight hours a day—and the key to that is the referral scheme.

Just like other private-hire app hailing firms, 20% of the earning will be given to the company. When a driver refers someone else to be a driver, he will also earn 5% of the latter’s earning.

Here’s an example (at least based on my understanding, and on maths): Driver A refers Driver B and Driver C to SixTNC. On that month, Driver A earns $3,000, Driver B earns $2,500 and Driver C earns $2,000. Driver A will take 5% of Driver B’s earning ($150) and 5% of Driver C’s earning ($100), effectively making his total take-home pay that month to be $3,250.

The $100,000 annual pay is based on a driver who has referred 30 people, and with each person earning $150 a day.

Okay, I just did another calculation: if the driver has 30 people, with each earning $4,500 a month, he’ll earn $6,750.

Does he, er, still need to drive? Or maybe driving and meeting new people is his passion lah (sounds familiar?).

Both Grab and Uber do have referral scheme for drivers as well, but they’re usually a one-time bonus instead of a continuous one, with the bonus being much more if they rent the car from their affiliated car rental companies.

A check on the Google Play Store today (20 June 2017) shows that the Six Rider app has 50 to 100 downloads, and its Six Driver app has the same number of downloads.

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Featured Image: Kichigin /

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