There’s a ‘Serial Vomiter’ in S’pore. Here’s What You Should Know

We have heard of all kinds of neighbours – noisy ones, irritating ones, and even those that you never actually meet.

Image: Giphy

For those living at Pinnacle@Duxton at Tanjong Pagar, things started to get a little stomach-upsetting when vomit start to be seen everywhere in the residence.

The ‘serial vomiter’ started his/her actions last year.

Posters were put up at the award-winning housing estate, asking residents to “keep our living environment clean and hygienic”, according to Channel NewsAsia.

“We have received feedback that residents are facing the problem of someone vomiting regularly at the common area,” the poster said.

Tanjong Pagar Town Council‘s vice-chairman Joan Pereira said that the council received a complaint last year regarding the vomiting.

It happened up to four times a week at the common area at Block 1C.

Image: CNA

“Town Council put up the poster as an educational tool to deter this anti-social behaviour as well as to seek residents’ assistance to contact the Town Council if they know who had committed this act,” she said.

The vomiting has now stopped after the poster was put up.

A cleaner who did not want to be named said the situation has improved significantly.

“Now it’s better. That time, three weekends in a row I saw vomit at the car park, near the letterbox. When I see it, I will take a photo and inform the officer-in-charge,” he said.

Image: Yahoo News

What netizens say

This guy makes sense:

Image: CNA Facebook Page

And this person got into the rambling mode:

Image: CNA Facebook Page


On the surface, it may look like an act of mischief, but think about it, how easy is it to vomit as and when you want?

Perhaps the person is sick?

But then and again, there are all sorts of people in Singapore, so we’ll never know.

Since you’re here, why not watch a video about a guy who lodged a Police report here in Singapore because he was friendzoned? Seriously. Here, watch it and do remember to share it (and also subscribe to Goody Feed YouTube channel)!

This article was first published on

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