This 3D Latte of a Cockroach is Both Satisfying & Terrifying

Whoever thought up this combination is either a secret genius, or just someone that wants to watch the world burn.

Like, really…

Have we not had enough of flying cockroaches that we have to see them in our goddamn latte?

Image: My cofi Facebook Page

Here’s the latte from another angle because I’m a sadistic asshole that likes to see my own skin crawl.

Image: My cofi Facebook Page

And here’s a video on how they make this cockroachsity- I mean cockroach latte.

Posted by My cofi on Friday, 15 September 2017

Okay, maybe it’s just how a video that shows how it”ll look after the cockroach blends in with your coffee…in reverse.

You know, just to scare you at the end.

Mouth-watering stuff.

And if you didn’t know, the latte’s revelation was quite hot with netizens.

Image: My cofi Facebook Page

Well, that’s… unexpected. Five million views in a week.

My Cofi

Contrary to popular beliefs (alright maybe just mine), this cafe located in Kaohsiung, Taiwan actually produces legitimately aesthetic lattes.

Image: My cofi Facebook Page


Image: My cofi Facebook Page

No idea who this dude is.

Image: My cofi Facebook Page

Aw, how adorable!

Image: My cofi Facebook Page

Cutegasm 10/10

And seeing how the cafe’s rated 4.7/5 from over 450 reviews so far…

Image: My cofi Facebook Page

I reckon we have unearthed a real hidden gem here. And that’s if you guys haven’t already heard about it.

So why… why did they create this?

Image: My cofi Facebook Page

Kudos to this gutsy lady though. She actually downed it.

Posted by My cofi on Wednesday, 20 September 2017


My honest opinion?

Nah, probably wouldn’t try it. I know it’s just espresso and steamed milk, but I’m just not a cockroach kind of guy.

What about you? Would you give it a try?

10 bucks you wouldn’t.

Wait, I think you will. You’ll order it for someone else #youevilperson

But you know, come to think of it, this is actually a good way to overcome your fear of cockroaches, since one of the most effective ways is to look at cockroaches that don’t make you scream.

Lest you really want to go, here’s the cafe’s details:

Address: 高雄市苓雅區廈門街19號, Kaohsiung, Taiwan 802
Tel: +886 7 222 0101
Opening Hours: 8:30am to 6pm daily, closed on Thursday

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Featured Image: Facebook (My cofi)