This Grab Driver Has Beer and Ciggs in His Car & They’re FREE

Right now, you’re probably wondering how amazing can a GrabCar driver be.

You might even have theories of your own. I’ll probably have to ask you to relax a little on your imaginations, since this driver is just another normal dude, and is not going to be like, supermodel hot or drives a Maserati, or give you free rides or whatever crazy thing you can imagine.

Instead, he simply went above and beyond for passenger comfort.

See, most drivers allow you to charge your phone through their cars. Some nicer ones provide cables to use. A select few may even have a little bowl of candy for you to pick from.

This guy, however, might have gone a little overboard with the hospitality. According to one lucky passenger, she was asked to sit behind instead of the front seat. Take a look at her full experience below.

Yeah, you read that right. That’s an ice box, and those are cigarettes. Brother, I don’t even get that kind of hospitality in my own home, yo.

Apparently, this driver even provided perfume, according to another Twitter user.

Exactly like a netizen’s comment said, this guy really spoil market sia. Now every other driver must up their game liao, if not 5 stars are really difficult to get already.

(If all drivers provide this kind of service, really shiok already)

Since you’re here, why not check out Goody Feed’s YouTube videos as well? They’re so Singaporean, I bet you’ll like them!

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This article was first published on

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