Thor Ragnarok Review: An Action-packed Movie That Was Funny To The Bone

Yesterday, I was dragged to watch the much-anticipated movie, Thor: Ragnarok.

I am not a huge fan of the Avengers or any Marvel Super Heroes, except for maybe, Jessica Jones.

The only reason why I decided to tag along was because Cate Blanchett is starring in it.

The last time I saw her in a villainous role was in the live remake of Cinderella as she played the wicked stepmother.


So from that to the Goddess of Death, Hela, I was excited to see what havoc she will stir up on Asgard.


Since I have not watched any of the Avengers movies, you know my opinion won’t be biased.

What is the movie about


Hela is technically the heir of Asgard or so she believes, not to mention she is the elder sister of the muscled god of thunder, Thor.

All hell literally breaks loose when she escapes from her prison. She is so badass that she breaks Thor’s magic hammer.


While she causes terror in Asgard, the sons of Odin, Loki, and Thor are stranded in a planet-sized dumpster where they have to fight against The Hulk.


And Thor finally loses his luscious locks.

So you can tell the plot twist?

Will he be able to escape and save Asgard?

Why is Hulk in it?

So many questions? But I won’t spoil it for you.

What did I think of it

The movie is littered with cameos from other superheroes in the Marvel Universe such as Doctor Strange, Hulk, and Black Widow.

The juxtaposition of the futuristic worlds against the ancient mythology was refreshing.

Though I wish that Hela would have had more screen time so the audience could know more of her backstory and see things from her perspective.

Almost every character manages to be funny, including Hela which is reminiscent of Maleficent—sassy but scary.

Marvel stuck to their classic trope—stunning fight scenes paired with great CGI effect.


I must say, to see a woman in her 40s bring Thor to his knees is something worth watching.

And no it is not a euphemism.

Fans of Loki would be delighted to see his usual antics on play, such as his backhanded compliments, cunning-ness and his ability to make you adore him and hate him.



All in all, this action-packed movie manages to keep thing very light-hearted despite Asgard going up in flames.

You don’t have to watch any of the Marvel movies to understand this film.

The characters will mention some of the backstories in passing, so you won’t feel left out.

If you’re a fan of Cate Blanchett or the Marvel Universe, then watch it.

If you are not a huge fan like me, I would still watch it purely for the visuals.

Rating: 3/5

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